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“She talks about serial killers, Kervyn, unless you’re not telling me something.” I smile and sit down.

“Drop the smile. I’m not charmed by your idiotic choices,” he snaps.

“I married her. There’s nothing else to it.” I shrug.

“You married some random girl you saved from your nightclub? And then ordered my men to go find.” Kervyn sits back. “Is this some sort of tactic to try and impress me?”

“Kervyn, you and Danil married women you didn’t know from a bar of soap. Both marriages they didn’t want to begin with. Why can’t I have the same?”

“Because you are immature and need to grow up before you decide to do something drastic. My choice was for the family. Danil loved Asher and got to know her. You’re just trying to play with the big boys, and you’re going to get burned.” Kervyn runs a hand over his face, and we both pause as we hear crying upstairs. I can see Kervyn wants to go see what’s happening with Samuel, but he doesn’t move.

“I’m warning you, Luka. Keep this girl close. I’m not cleaning up a mess because of some girl you can’t win over.” Kervyn waves me off, and I stand there for a moment.

“I haven’t done anything different from you. I know where my passion lies, and it lies with this girl.”

“You will always be the playboy of the family, Luka.” Kervyn sounds tired as he turns to look at me. “That will never change. Now go, I have a lot to attend to.”

I leave the room, and as I do, I see Penny coming downstairs with Samuel. I walk over. “There’s my favorite nephew.”

“It’s your only nephew,” she says with a smile as I take Samuel into my arms and hug him before I hand him back to her. He gurgles and reaches for me again. I stroke his face.

“I have to go. I have a romantic picnic to plan,” I declare, knowing full well Kervyn can hear me. I can actually feel him sigh in frustration, and that satisfies me a lot.

I kiss Samuel’s cheek, then Penny’s, then I walk out to the sedan where Monty is waiting for me.

We drive back to the house, and I leave Monty by the car. I walk in and hear movement upstairs. A maid comes past me, and I capture her arm. “Is the madam up?”

“Yes, sir,” she says, averting her eyes shyly. Hannah probably shouldn’t find out I’ve slept with the help. “She didn’t want breakfast, only coffee.”

“That’s okay. Pack a picnic basket, something romantic. I want to take her out.” She hurries away, and I watch her before I go upstairs.

I knock on Hannah’s door. “Hannah?” I call out. “Are you dressed?”

“Yes,” I hear her muffled voice call out.

I open the door and stand in the doorway. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” she says, glancing at me. “I was just on my way out.”

“Where were you going?” I ask.

“To the library.” She pauses and looks at me. “You’re going to let me go out, right? I’m not a prisoner.”

I glance around and smile. “Well, actually, I thought I’d take you on a picnic so we can get to know each other better.”

“No, thanks.” She walks toward the door, grabbing a backpack. “I need to research my next podcast, and if I don’t get started, I won’t have it recorded in time.”

I stop her. “Well, let me come to the library with you. Maybe we can find some common interests there before we go on a picnic.”

“I need to research.”

“I’m sure you can read at a picnic,” I motion for her to walk out the door. Are you sure you don’t want to go to the bookstore? I’ll buy you whatever book you’re looking for.”

“That’s not authentic,” she says, sounding short. “I only buy books from the store when I absolutely have to.”

“Well, let me give you a lift to the library, and let’s see what we can find,” I say, leading her downstairs.

I hear her sigh, but I choose to ignore it. I lead her outside to the car and climb in the back. She climbs in next to me and sits away from me awkwardly.

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