Page 90 of Baby Drama II

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“Did you tell him?” Stella asked Levi with a smile.

“You knew?” I cocked my head.

“Of course, I knew. Laurel is one of my best friends.”

“And you couldn’t tell me, why?”

“Because I know how much you love surprises, babe.” She patted my chest.

“You wait until later.” I pointed.

“If that’s a threat, I’m looking forward to it.” A sly smile crossed her lips.




I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off, and stared at my oversized belly in the mirror. I was due next week and couldn’t wait to get this child out of me. As I walked into the bedroom, I stopped when I felt something trickling down my legs. Frowning, I mustn’t have dried off good enough. Walking back into the bathroom, I grabbed the towel, and suddenly a gush hit the floor.

Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I called Miles.

“Stella, are you okay?” Dora answered.

“Dora? Why are you answering his phone?”

“He left it on the table when he went to work. I was going to tell you when you came down, but you haven’t been down yet.”

“My water broke. Can you call Sean and have him get here to drive me to the hospital?”

“Of course. I’ll call him now. Do you want me to call Miles at the office?”

“No. I’ll take care of that. I’ll be down as soon as I get dressed.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I dialed his office number.

“Mr. Bradshaw’s office. This is Isla.”

“Isla, it’s Stella.”

“Hi, Stella. How are you?”

“Mr. Bradshaw left his phone at home, and I’m not sure how he hasn’t realized it yet. Is he there?”

“He’s in an important meeting in the conference room.”

“Well, you can tell him that my water broke, and I’m heading to the hospital. Tell him not to hurry since HE’S AN IDIOT WHO FORGETS HIS PHONE WHEN HIS WIFE IS DUE TO GIVE BIRTH IN ONE WEEK!” I shouted.

“Noted,” she said. “Yay! Baby Bradshaw is coming. I’ll tell Miles.”

“Thank you, Isla.”

I threw on some clothes, ran down to the kitchen, and picked Ben up from his booster chair.

“Mommy loves you so much.” I hugged him tight and planted tiny kisses all over his face.

“Good luck, Stella.” Our nanny, Melissa, smiled. “Don’t worry about Ben. He’ll be well taken care of while you’re in the hospital.”

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