Page 81 of Baby Drama II

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“Put on some music you like dancing to and start getting jiggy. Miles, just make sure you’re close to her for when another contraction hits. As soon as it’s over, start dancing again. I’ll be back in a while.” He left the room.

I looked at Miles, and we both furrowed our brows at each other.

“I’m seriously starting to think there’s something wrong with that guy,” Miles said.

“Me too.”

“Ah, Dr. Gregario said to have you try dance therapy.” Pepper smiled, walking into the room. “I know you might think it’s weird, but it does work. I can see you’re on the fence, so I’m going to dangle a carrot in front of you. Get to four centimeters, and a certain handsome anesthesiologist will come up here, give you an epidural, and all your pain will go away.”

“Like, how fast does the epidural work?” I narrowed my eye.

“Within ten to twenty minutes,” she said. “Pain-free, Stella. Imagine it.” She waved both her hands in front of me.

“I’m in,” I said.

“Awesome sauce. I’ll unhook the fetal monitor.”

After Pepper unhooked the fetal monitor, Miles took hold of my hands and helped me up from the bed. Another contraction hit.

“Oh, God,” I moaned, leaning over the side of the bed.

“As soon as it passes, we’ll dance,” Pepper said.

“I’ve got you, sweetheart.” Miles rubbed my shoulders from behind.

The contraction passed, and Pepper put on the song In Da Club by 50 Cent.

“This is one of my favorites.” She smiled as she started dancing. “Come on, Stella. Just forget you're pregnant and move that body. Pretend we’re at a club.”

I started dancing to the beat of the music. It wasn’t so bad.

“Come on, Daddy! Get down with us!” Pepper shouted.

“I’m good.” Miles smiled.

“Now, Miles!” I shot him a look.

“Okay. Whatever you say, sweetheart.” He began moving his body to the beat.

I made it through two rap songs before another contraction hit. I grabbed onto Miles as my body leaned against him. Pepper stopped and began massaging my back.

“It’s okay. Breathe in and out,” she said.

A woman knocked on the door and rolled in a silver cart filled with roses and a bouquet of balloons. Pepper turned off the music.

“Mrs. Stella Bradshaw?” the woman asked.


“We have quite a delivery for you.” She smiled.

I glanced at Miles, and a smile crossed his lips. His eye winked at me.

“You did this?” I asked, climbing into bed.

“Of course. I’d be a little concerned if someone else sent you five dozen roses. They’re for you to admire while trying to get through this labor.”

“I love you, Miles.”

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