Page 78 of Baby Drama II

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Two Weeks Later


As I was sitting at the table, eating lunch, and scrolling through my phone, an email with my first-semester classes, including an online class, came through. I stared at the email as an uneasiness settled inside me. Something had been on my mind a lot since receiving my acceptance letter to the doctorate program—conflict—undeniable conflict.

Later that evening, when I heard the elevator come up, I walked into the foyer to greet my handsome husband. The doors opened, and a smile fell upon both of our lips.

“You sure are a sight for sore eyes.” Miles set his briefcase down and hugged me.

“I missed you.” I broke our embrace and kissed his lips.

“I missed you too, babe. It’s been a long day.”

“Go sit down at the table, and I’ll serve dinner. Dora made your favorite tonight.”

“Chicken parm?” His brow arched.

“Yes. Chicken parm.”

“I’ll meet you in the kitchen after I change.” He kissed my forehead.

While we sat at the table and had dinner, Miles told me all about his day. I listened and asked questions to deter him from asking about mine. It worked, at least for a little bit.

“I’m going to take a bath.” I smiled.

“That's a good idea. I’ll join you.” He grinned. “You start the bath water, and I’ll clean this up.” He grabbed the plates from the table.

I started the water, grabbed two towels, and hung them on the hook by the bathtub. As I twisted up my hair, Miles walked in, stripped out of his clothes, and climbed into the tub. I smiled as I stared at his hot ass through the mirror. Slipping out of my dress, I stepped in and leaned my back against his muscular chest as his arms wrapped around me.

“Pretty soon, my arms won’t be able to do this,” he said.

“You’re an asshole.” I laughed.

“That may be, but I’m your asshole.” His lips pressed against my neck.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” I said, my fingers softly stroking his arm.


“I’ve decided to put my doctorate on hold.”

“What? Stella, why? That’s your dream.”

“I know. It still is, and I will do it. I’ve been giving things a lot of thought, Miles. It’s going to take at least four years and an internship. We have a baby on the way, and he’s my priority.”

“Oh, sweetheart. You can do both.”

“I know I can. It’s not about that. It’s about not missing the milestones our child will reach because either I’m in classes or my nose is buried in a book. Getting my doctorate right now isn’t as important to me as spending as much time as I can with our son.”

“You know I’ll be here to help you.”

“I know.” I tilted my head back and smiled. “I just don’t want any regrets when it comes to him. I won’t regret putting off my doctorate. I’m still young and have plenty of time. But I will regret not being there for him. I’ve made up my mind, Miles, and don’t think you can change it.”

“First of all, I would never challenge you or your decisions. Second, I’d be the stupidest man on earth to even try.” He breathed out a laugh. “I respect your decision, and when you’re ready to go back and start that journey, I’ll be right here cheering you on.” His lips pressed against the top of my head as his grip around me tightened.

“Thank you, Miles. I was afraid you wouldn’t understand.”

“I understand perfectly, sweetheart. Now, I need you to understand that we need to get out of this tub so I can fuck you.”

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