Page 6 of Baby Drama II

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“Good for you.” I held up my glass as I walked over to my desk.

“Listen, Miles. You’re business smart, and your mother knew it. But you lack being smart outside of the office. Find yourself a good woman and settle down. Make a family of your own. It’s good for the soul. I do believe your mother is trying to teach you to be more responsible with your life.”

“She had no right doing what she did!” I shouted. “And I am responsible! I’ve made this company billions over the past seven years! Deals she couldn’t make, I did!”

“As I said, you’re business smart, but there’s more to life than this company.”

“Shut the fuck up, Uncle Ben.” I shook my head.

“You work for me now, nephew. Watch yourself.” He pointed at me, stood from his chair, and left my office.

I was so angry that I threw my glass against the wall. My door opened, and Isla walked in.

“Is everything okay, Miles?”

“No! Nothing is okay!” I shouted and grabbed my briefcase. “I’m leaving for the day.” I stormed out of my office.

I texted my driver, Sean, to come and get me. As I waited at the curb, I glanced at my watch. When he finally pulled up, I opened the door and climbed into the back.

“What the fuck took you so long?”

“Traffic, Miles. What’s going on? You’re in one of the worst moods I’ve ever seen you in.”

“My mother. That’s what’s going on. She put my Uncle Ben in charge.”

“What? Why would she do that?” he asked as he pulled away from the curb. “By the way. Where are we going?”

“To Collin’s Tavern. The company only goes to me if I get married within a year and stay married for a full year.”

“You’re not serious.” Sean viewed me from the rearview mirror.

“I’m dead serious, and my uncle is loving every minute of it. That son-of-a-bitch. The company goes to him if I don’t marry within a year. If I marry and divorce before a year ends, the company goes to him. I’m royally screwed either way.”

“I’m sorry, Miles. I know how tense things were with you and your mother.”

“She’s the reason I am the way I am. She and my father both. But mostly, her.”

Sean pulled up to the tavern. I climbed out and told him he could go home for the day.

“Are you sure? How will you get home?”

“I’ll take a cab. Just enjoy the rest of your day.” I shut the door and stepped inside the tavern.

Walking up to the bar, I sat on the stool and pulled my phone from my pocket.

“Hey, Miles. What can I get you?” Kelly, the beautiful bartender, asked.

“Bourbon. Make it a triple.”

I sent a text to my best friend, Levi.

“Can you meet me at Collin’s Tavern?”



“I can be there in thirty minutes. I’m finishing up a proposal.”

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