Page 61 of The Coach

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The infection’s too severe. They’re either cutting my leg off or my career off.

It wasn’t the first time I lied to my father.

Nor was it the last.

“Does that sound good, Coach?”

I nod as Jack’s voice pulls me out of the haze where I find myself. “Sounds great, boss. Thanks.”

“Good, because I’ve got some stuff lined up for this week already to start getting the word out. We’ll take early donations, and a few journalists will be stopping by for exclusives talking about the event. I’ve had Lily put together a packet of information on the event for you, so study it hard because we’ll be answering questions starting tomorrow.”

“Great,” I say, but there’s little enthusiasm behind my tone as my fear is that this will only serve as a distraction when I need to be getting the roster and my coaching staff set.

And by this…I definitely mean Jolene.


My hands are shaking as I pull into the parking lot at the Complex.

This is ridiculous.

I’ve never been nervous to interview someone before except maybe the last time I interviewed Lincoln Nash.

But we kissed two nights ago, and two things are true:

I haven’t seen him since.

And I haven’t stopped thinking about him.

I got a call from Jack’s secretary arranging press interviews for an upcoming charity event, so here I am. I know the major details from the press packet, but I’ll grab a few sound bites with Dave’s help so I can produce a feature on it. I spot the VG03 news van in the parking lot, so I know he’s already here setting up.

It’ll be helpful to have a smiling face in the room with me, but Dave doesn’t quite know the extent of my history with Linc.

Nobody does. Well, except Sam. And whoever Lincoln told, which I’d assume is exactly nobody.

All Dave knows is that there was tension between us the last time I interviewed him, and maybe that’s why I’m nervous about doing it again.

Or maybe I’m nervous I won’t be able to look anywhere else except his lips as I recall what it felt like when they were moving over mine, that hard body pressed against me as I gave into what’s always been there between us even though we both firmly planted it in the past.

I guess it’s not planted as firmly in the past as I was hoping.

When I walk into the building, Lily is standing in the lobby. She hands me a sheet of paper with my interview itinerary then directs me to the conference rooms on the right rather than to the media room on the left.

I head into the one with VG03 marked on a sign on the door, and I find Dave ready to go. I set my bag with my laptop on the table and clip on the mic pack, and then I look over the itinerary.

I’ll have this room for the next hour, and in that time, I’ll be interviewing six people. I read through their roles on the team and for this charity event.

Jack Dalton, current Aces team owner and event chairperson of the first annual Wild Aces Charity Ball.

Luke Dalton, former Aces player, current coach’s consultant, brother of the owner, and honorary chairperson for the event.

Erin McMahon, director of charitable contributions for the Aces and fundraising chairperson for the event.

Travis Woods, current starting wide receiver and honorary chairperson for the event.

Ben Olson, former starting tight end and entertainment chairperson for the event.

Last on my list is Lincoln Nash, current head coach and another honorary chairperson for the event.

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