Page 257 of The Coach

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Her jaw drops clean down to the floor. She stands, and she waltzes over to hug me. “Congratulations, my friend. I’m so happy for you.”

I squeeze her back. I know this is going to happen for her and Cade soon with Devin, too, but I keep quiet rather than returning the sentiment since Cade still doesn’t know.

“Thanks,” I say, and I feel myself tearing up a little as I pull back.

“Celebratory shot?” she asks.

I shrug. “Sure.”

“I’ll get the Fireball.”

I follow her toward the kitchen as I wrinkle my nose. “Titos?”

“All out.”

“Damn.” She giggles as she moves toward the pantry to see what we have in stock. “It’ll be hard leaving this place.” I glance around at what’s become home to the two of us over the last few months.

“You’re always welcome back. If he’s out of town for a night, or if Jonah wants to come hang with Cade…you two are always welcome here.”

I give her another hug. “And you two are welcome to stay with us any time over at Lincoln’s place, too.”

She grins. “We will definitely take you up on that.”

“Did you go there when you two were…” I trail off. Fake dating sounds ridiculous even though that’s the truth of it.

She shakes her head. “He never invited me over. He said something about how it’s his private place or something, which only serves to tell me how important you two must be to him if he invited you to move in.”

She pulls out the Fireball as my heart warms at her sentiment. She holds up the bottle to offer it to me.

“I’ll pass,” I say, and she unscrews the cap and takes a swig right from the bottle.

She winces as she swallows, and she puts the bottle back on the shelf. “Want anything?”

“I’ll skip. I should start packing, I guess.”

“When are you moving?”

I shrug. “No idea. He asked me earlier today, and I, uh, no longer have a paycheck, and I don’t want to mooch off you—”

“Wait…back the truck up,” she interrupts. “You don’t have a paycheck?”

I clear my throat. “I quit the station today.”

“Oh my God!” She heads back to the pantry and takes another swig of Fireball, and she holds the bottle up toward me again. “You sure you don’t want some?”

I chuckle as I shake my head.

“What the hell happened?”

“Rivera and I got into it, and Marcus came in to break it up.”

“Marcus? I thought he was still in Florida,” she says, her brows pinching together in confusion.

“He was. He is. But he stopped by since he was in town visiting his wife and kids. Anyway, he walked in when Rivera and I were fighting, and he asked me what he walked in on, and I told him he walked in on my last straw and then I quit on the spot.”

“I knew that temper of yours would be used for good someday,” she says.

I tilt my head. “What do you mean?”

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