Page 165 of The Coach

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But a guy I recognize from the paparazzi has been watching us most of the evening, snapping photos upon occasion, and I spot him toward the back of the parking lot now.

This is my chance.

“Samantha, I told you a thousand times not to worry about how much I’m spending! I’ll treat you to whatever I damn well please!”

I thought about picking a fight about how she still has feelings for her ex, but I’m not going to publicly push her into something she doesn’t want made common knowledge.

This, though…this could work. It gives off the impression that I’ve been buying too many things for my girlfriend, which must mean she’s really my girlfriend, right? But it’s also showing she’s uncomfortable with the way I’m spending my money. It doesn’t necessarily make either of us look bad the way something like cheating might, and couples fight over money all the time, right? It was even a point of contention when she signed the contract to fake date me.

She looks epically confused for a beat. I incline my head just slightly toward the side to indicate we’re being watched, and even though I’m not totally sure she picks up what I’m dropping, she jumps in to play along.

“It’s ridiculous, Lincoln! I don’t need fancy jewelry and clothes for every outing we take. I’m perfectly content with the way I’ve always done things.”

I take the moment to glance around pointedly, and my eyes land on the dude from the paparazzi who’s been watching us. He’s now filming our fight.

“Please don’t,” I beg him. “Just leave us alone to have our argument in private.” I turn back to Sam. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

“Maybe I don’t want to get out of here, Lincoln. I’m tired of you spoiling me like this. Sometimes I just want my old normal life back.” She folds her arms across her chest for a beat and gives me a look that stops me dead in my tracks.

I know this is a fake fight, but sometimes this woman scares the crap out of me.

“Fine. Maybe that’s what you should have, then.” I stalk toward the car, and she chases after me, sliding into the passenger seat. We don’t exchange a word as I peel out of the parking lot, but once we’re far enough away from the man stealing photos and video of us, she finally drops the act.

“What was that about?”

“I can’t keep up the act with someone who wants to be with someone else, Sam.”

“First, what? And second…you just called me Sam.” She says it sweetly like it just made her melt a little.

I can’t help a small laugh. “I won’t be the one to keep you from going after what you really want, and I figured if we start fighting in public, our break-up won’t come as such a shock, right?”

“You aren’t keeping me from anything, Lincoln,” she protests.

I get on the highway to head toward her place. “Yes, I am. You’re still in love with your ex.”

“So what? He’s engaged now.”

“Because he thinks it’s over with you,” I say gently.

She huffs and folds her arms over her chest again, this time actually a little annoyed with me rather than pretending to be.

“If a little embarrassment is the worst thing that’ll happen if you take your shot and the answer is no, then so be it. But what if you take your shot and the answer is yes?” I ask.

“I could ask you the same question,” she quietly shoots back.

And that gives us both something to chew on the rest of the way home.


The boys are having fun living together, so I say goodnight and they probably stay up way later than they should talking and doing whatever it is seven-year-old boys do together, but at least I know they aren’t playing Minecraft since their tablets are out here with me.

So I figure the boys are long asleep—or at least they’re long in their bedroom together—when Sam and Lincoln get back.

I push down those feelings of jealousy that rise in me every time I see her walk through the door with him even though his eyes drift right over to where I’m sitting on the couch.

“How was your night?” I ask.

They both blow out a breath without saying anything, and then they glance at each other. Both burst into laughter.

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