Page 164 of The Coach

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I can’t ruin this woman’s chance at happiness. I need to think of something…and fast.


“How did you meet Sam?” Troy asks.

“There’s a barbecue joint across from the offices and she was there one night when I walked in.”

He chuckles. “The Gridiron?”

I nod.

“That’s a great place. You know, I actually met Joanie at a private club here in Vegas,” he says. He lowers his voice as he talks, and I can’t help but wonder what sort of club it is, exactly. “I used to be an owner, but I sold my stake to Victor Bancroft.”

“Why?” I ask.

He glances at his wife, who’s chatting up Sam, before he turns back to me. “There was a bit of a scandal I didn’t want to be associated with given my status in this town.”

“What sort of club?” I ask, lowering my voice, too.

“One that requires an NDA to enter.”

I clear my throat. “Exclusive because of price?”

“And activities,” he concedes, confirming my suspicions. “The invitation is open to you, of course. After the initial excitement when word got out about the club thanks to someone who broke her NDA, we’ve been careful about membership. It’s more than just what you’re thinking, I’m certain. We have three floors and a variety of entertainment options.”

“I appreciate that, but if I’m correctly reading the situation, it’s probably for the best for me to get through my first year here with my nose clean.” Imagine the scandal that would break if that got out. Coach Lincoln Nash spotted at secret sex club with secret lover Jolene Bailey.

Yeah…not a good look for my first year when I’m trying to build my reputation—or when I’m trying to hide what Jolene and I have.

I’m certainly not going to a sex club with Sam. That’s for damn sure.

“I understand,” he says simply. “How’s the coaching gig so far?”

“Well, we haven’t played any games yet, but my boys were looking good at OTAs and minicamp. We’ve got training camp next month and I’m ready to dig in, install plays, and get moving,” I say, rubbing my hands together in anticipation as we move on to a subject I’m more comfortable with. “What about you? How’s the season going?”

“It’s going well, particularly given the fact that we’re coming off a championship season,” he says with a wide grin.

“With the success of both our teams, I think we should devise ways to work together. Community events, interviews, you name it.” I take a sip of my whiskey.

“I think it’s a great idea. Have your marketing team get with mine and we’ll draw some things up,” he offers. He glances over at his wife. “Joanie?”

She glances over at him with an expectant smile.

“Lincoln and I were just discussing how we think it would be in our best interest to come up with some events for both our fan bases. Got any ideas?” he asks.

“Off the top of my head, a joint garage sale to clear out old inventory, a celebrity golf tournament, skills clinics, food and toy drives, podcasts, player meet and greets, tailgate parties…”

“Ooh, how about a charity car wash where players have to wash cars?” Sam suggests.

Joanie laughs. “Oh my God, yes! I love that! Maybe you need to join my staff.”

Sam giggles. “Oh, I’ve got a ton of ideas like that. An outdoor movie night, adult themed dance party, scavenger hunt, costume party.”

Joanie types into her phone as Sam throws out more and more suggestions, and I think we’ll have a whole bunch of joint activities for our teams coming up real soon.

The rest of the meal goes just as well, and we make plans to get together for dinner again next month. It’ll be my busy season, but this is more than just building a new friendship in a city new to me. It’s also a good business move to find ways that we can satisfy both our fan bases at the same time.

The night comes to an end, and we say our goodbyes in the parking lot to Troy and Joanie.

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