Page 12 of The Coach

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He should stay in Los Angeles, or go back to New York, or Cincinnati or Atlanta or wherever the fuck he came from.

He should stay out of Vegas.

And yet, here he is, and there is no other reason he’d be here at the Gridiron—my home territory—staring out the window at the Complex than because he’s waiting for a meeting with the head honchos.

I said I would do what it took to stop him from getting the position, but Jack is right.

It’s a personal issue. Yes, I believe the Aces could do better than Lincoln Nash for a head coach. Yes, I believe he is a liar and a manipulator. Yes, I think he’s an asshole.

But those are opinions, not facts. Well, mostly.

And I’m not leaving this bar until I see him walk out of the Complex.

I’m not leaving until I know if it was an offer or a rejection.

I watched him as he walked across the street, and as soon as he disappeared inside the building, I called Sam.

“Hey lady!” she answers.

“Can you keep Jonah a little late tonight?” I ask.

“Of course. Why?”

I keep my voice low so nobody overhears my insider information. “I got a tip that Lincoln was back in town, and I raced to the Gridiron and sure enough, he was here having a drink by his lonesome. I think they’re offering him the position and I can’t leave until I see him leave.”

“Are you going to confront him?”

I think about it.

I’m not ready for that.

“No, but I figure I can stay here and watch his body language to know whether or not he got the offer.” My other line beeps with an incoming call. “Shit, Marcus is calling me on the other line. I’ll call you back, okay?”


I flip the call to Marcus. “Hey, Marcus, what’s going on?”

“Can you swing by the office? I have some breaking news to share.”

I glance out the window. He’s been in that building approximately thirty seconds. I have no idea how long a head coaching position job offer might take, but a rejection would probably be pretty quick. I know some rejections are handled in person depending on the circumstances, and it’s not like LA is all that far from Vegas.

Is it wrong to cross my fingers and hope he doesn’t get the job? Because I am.

“I’m sitting outside the Complex right now and Nash is inside the building. Might be for the offer,” I say.

He pauses a beat, and then he says, “Damn, you’re good. How’d you know?”

“I have my sources.”

He chuckles. “What I have is big, so unless you’re planning to attack Nash as he exits, we can sideline that until the ink is dry.”

I sigh. “I’ll be there in ten.” I signal the bartender that I’m leaving, and then I head over to the office.

I knock on Marcus’s doorframe, and he waves me in. “Have a seat.”

I do, and nerves suddenly flit through my chest. Marcus doesn’t call me in for a breaking news story, and that’s all I could think about on my way over here. This is something else, and I have a feeling he’s about to let me down gently.

“Listen, I wanted to do this in person instead of over email or whatever,” he begins, and those nerves climb up my spine, leaving a chill in their wake.

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