Page 7 of The Stones We Cast

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He and Hillary must’ve had this planned. As soon as he got my yes cameras appeared out of nowhere and posses were done. All given the illusion that we were indeed a couple, a beautiful couple in love. We were matching. We had chemistry and vibed together unlike any other. Me giggling because his beard tickled me while he wrapped his arms around me from behind. Skin glowing because of the sweet nothings he whispered in my ear. We gave the people what they wanted… a façade that I hoped would one day see the side of reality.

Pictures and videos that warred and contrasted differently with my relationship status, but that was a headache I refuse to give time to while in his presence.

My haven of peace and tranquility.

“Now that you’re done with whatever this is.” Candice tooted up her nose, trying to squeeze her narrow ass in the non-existent space between me and Ezekiel. “Tonight is going to be… uh, can you move over?”

“No, she cannot.” His smooth, deep baritone caused two different reactions. I melted, and she froze. “Don’t play these games with me tonight. I’m only in the mood to entertain one person and she isn’t you. Go to your section and have a good night.” I expected her to go off, but the daring glare he challenged her with had her speed walking away and me pinning.

A small part of me did feel bad for Candice, though. In true fashion, she was a vulture when it came to Ezekiel but I sympathized with the look of hurt from wanting the heart of the man you loved but he never shared even the same like. I’d been in her shoes a time or two.

“What’s new with you? I wanna hear everything except anything involving that pussy ass nigga you call yourself dating for social media. Hillary said you were at a photoshoot earlier. How did that go?” Outside of drinking his bourdon, his attention was mine. All on me. That’s how it was with Ezekiel.

Forever all consuming.

“It was good. Started out rocky with a model that refused to wear his dick cover.” I had to roll my eyes and take my drink to the head on that note. Still can’t believe that weirdo.

“What’s his name?” Tight jaw and dark eyes narrowed my way.

All I could do was simper and bashfully smile. If Ezekiel could slay every giant in my life he would. “No, Zeek. It’s been taken care of.” I caressed his jaw until he relaxed. “Catch me up on you. What’s new in your world?”

Exhaling, he slouched back taking my right leg with him to place over his thigh and caress. Whenever our talks took a serious approach, he always made sure that he found his comfort zone… me. “I keep having these dreams or out-of-body experiences. Nothing scares me but God, but these dreams, Sunnie.” Though it was quick, I felt the tremor in his hands. “It’s the same thing over and over. A dark figure standing over me or at the foot of my bed. This pressure on my chest pushing me down into this dark pit. A funky pit. Smells of burning, rotted flesh. When I wake up I can smell it outside of my nightmares. What’s scary about it is, is that I can’t fight it. It has its hold on me.” He got quiet, bobbing his head to the music, looking off.

“I told my mom about the dreams and you know what she told me to do?” He smirked. “She told me to call on the name of Jesus and the demons will flee.” There, right before my eyes, Ezekiel became vulnerable. “Two nights ago, I felt like this demon in my dreams was choking me in real time. I kept yelling out for help. No one came. My body was physically paralyzed, Sunnie. It’s never been this intense. After I called out every name that came to remembrance, I called out the name Jesus and that motherfucker vanished and I sat up gasping for air, fucking crying and shit. What is God trying to tell me, Sunnie Mae?”

Here we were in the hottest club in LA looking like two lovers conversing and flirting to the naked eye, when in truth we were talking about real stuff. Our problems and troubles. It’s always been like this with us. Hence the reason we flirted but never blurred the lines. The foundation of our friendship stood on solid ground, and we vowed never to taint it because of lust.

“Would you believe me if I told you that you’re not alone?” My nervous laugh only did so much to stop my chin from trembling. His eyes beckoned me to share, to trust, and I did. “My dreams are more dramatic, like me. Dying in a gruesome way and then my funeral. No one was there but my parents. Not my sister. Not even Hillary.” Or you. “I’m scared, Ezekiel. What if I’m about to die? What is God trying to warn me about?” Forever my safety net, his thumb wiped the stray tear.

Eliminating all space, he curled an arm around my waist, bringing me closer until we were positioned how we stared. Foreheads resting and lips a breath away. “We’re going to figure this out, Sunnie Mae. You and I.” Holding up his pinky, my heart smiled so damn bright that it burned.

Locking our fingers together, I kissed them. “You and I.”

“Hold on.” He pulled out his ringing phone and grinned. “Come on. I gotta take this, and I’m not ready for you to leave my space.” Forever the gentleman his mama raised him to be. He helped me to my feet and guided me up a narrow set of iron stairs leading to an outside patio covered in hanging lights and the most beautiful blood-red roses. Giving him space to handle his call, I admired the surprise of flowers. I was such a sucker for them.

“Why are you way over here?” He grumbled in my ear, securing me into his chest.

“I was giving you privacy to talk.” Hillary would talk cash trash if she heard the number of times this man made me giggle.

The joys of being love sick.

“I don’t need privacy when it comes to sharing my world with you, Sunnie Mae.” Sweet baby, Jesus. “Now, say hello to your best friend.” His phone appeared in my face and I squealed so damn loud that he flinched when I saw it was his mom on Facetime.

Taking his phone from him, I welcomed the happy tears sitting on my eyelids. “Mama Violet, how are you boo? I miss seeing your face.” I loved this woman like she was my mama. Unlike the rest of the world, she didn’t judge me. She didn’t care that I’m cussing a heaux out one minute and then praising God in the next. We’ve shared the same space twice but talked numerous times on the phone. We had each other’s numbers and had weekly Facetime dates. Daily she sent me encouraging text messages and scriptures. When my nightmares started I wanted to call her and ask for guidance but she was already burdened with a lot of her own troubles.

“I’m doing fabulous now that I got my nails done.” She wiggled her freshly painted nails in the camera, making my heart soar.

I started my nail polish and nail enhancement business years ago. EXPRSN was my baby and the first company to elevate me in the tax bracket of six figures. When Covid hit and my line of GelX nail enhancements and press-ons dropped, those four figures turned to six. Each color was created with intent and purpose, just like the collection I spent over two years crafting with my chemist for women who were going through radiation and chemotherapy. If they could create vegan polish then I knew there was hope. I wanted the right formula that didn’t cause harm, and God had given me the wisdom to figure it out. Not just a polish, but a polish remover without the harsh chemicals. All the proceeds and money made from SPUNKY VI, fashionably named after Mrs. Violet, went towards the medical treatment and bills of those having cancer.

Had Ezekiel not told me randomly one day that his mom was down because she wanted to feel like a woman again, get a pedicure and manicure without the chemicals burning her. Never would I have thought to do something like that if he had not trusted me to confide in me about the problems his mom faced. Seeing her happy made the gruesome hours spent up late at night worth it. A reward that I cherished dearly. It also opened the door to hear Ezekiel confess his love for me.

Friend or lover realm, it didn’t matter.

He spoke those words and my heart took them and ran.

“Send that son of mine to get you a drink while we have some girl talk.” My smile slipped a little, but I obeyed her words.

“You heard your mama. Go get me a drink.” Is it weird that his height made me feel all girlie?

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