Page 30 of The Stones We Cast

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“Yes, you would’ve, Zeek, because you’re in love. And a man in love wants to mend the heart of the woman he loves however he can. Our problems aren’t yours. I’ve said my peace, I’ve moved on. Now, you need to be the balm to heal her heart and fill the spaces that once included me.” Stepping back but keeping our hands tangled, she looked over at Bishop who stood quietly observing our exchange. “Take care of my friend, Bishop. He’s dear to my heart. Whenever you need me, I’m here for you, Zeek.” One kiss to my cheek and she was gone.

“My condolences to you and your family, Ezekial.” Approaching and standing next to his father, Khiver outstretched his hand.

Though he and I were only acquainted through Bishop, I knew who his sons were and even been to a few listening parties hosted by Khiver for Kellon.

Respectfully, I shook his hand. “Thank you. We appreciate it.”

Instead of releasing my hand when I released his, he squeezed tighter. Stepping closer until he and I were chest to chest. “Do you love her?” His question creased my brows.

“Aleyah? I love her as my friend, but not in a romantic sense.” His sudden change of disposition tripped me out. His eyes were cold and callous. Posture straight and his hand on the verge of breaking my damn bones. He was in a position of defense, and I wasn’t sure why.

“How deeply involved are you with her sister?” The stealth of his tone had me taking a step back and yanking my hand from his grasp.

“Yo, Khiver, what’s going on? I don’t have no beef with Aleyah or Sunnie. What have…”

He eyes became dark and nose flared. “I don’t play about a lot of things and my woman is at the top of that list.” His woman? “Aleyah, she’s my heart. My world. My everything. Love will cause you to stand anchored in her front and her back ready to annihilate any threat trying to darken her brightest of days. Now, let me tell you something about family. Aleyah’s sister? She’s been pulling some foul moves for years, and it ain’t sitting right with me. ‘Cause when she hurts, I hurt, and I don’t take kindly to anyone messing with my emotions. She told me briefly about the conversation she had with her sister and I began making sure those who intentionally hurt her never breathe again.” His left eye twitched, and I stood there in complete shock.

This man just admitted out loud that he put a hit out on Sunnie.

Who in the hell does that?

“The way I’m feeling right now makes me want to add your name to that list since she was in your home when that last conversation took place.” He stepped closer illuminating all space. “Listen to me good, Ezekiel. My old man had a way of dealing with enemies that was downright legendary. And let me tell you, I inherited more than just his name. So when I tell you I’m holding back from wiping out your girl and everything you stand for, you better believe it. Take what I say very personal because the same way you want to protect her sister is the same way I want to protect my lady. There’s no one in her corner willing to go toe to toe with her demons but me. Don’t make an enemy out of me. Keep her away from Aleyah and I mean that or your family will be getting two uses out of these custom suits. Now,” He rotated his neck and shook his shoulders out. “Let’s lay your mother to rest, shall we?” He patted my shoulder and started helping Bishop direct everyone to their cars.

“Hey, are you okay?” Sunnie saw the entire exchange but kept a distance to not be able to overhear.

Clearing my throat, I looked around for our limo and grabbed her hand. “Yeah, I’m good. Come on.”

Thanks to Khiver and his threat, I spent the twenty-minute drive thinking about everything. My mind overthinking and over-analyzing everything that the gloom of going to the burial sight hadn’t resurfaced in my mind. I wasn’t privy to the conversation Sunnie and Aleyah had, but I’d been filled in once Aleyah left. Only given one side to the story. It was one thing to hear Sunnie openly and verbally confess to her negative ways regarding her sister, but to actually see how her words caused Aleyah so much pain. It turned me off. She triggered the fuck out of me, listening to her trash mouth and disrespect Aleyah like she was some bitch off the street. Reminded so much of how my dad speaks to me. PTSD was real in my life right now. I wanted to go off on her ass and check her real quick, but I realized she was fighting demons. Some real demons and she didn’t even know it. She said that me having sex with multiple women had created soul ties, but she never once mentioned her shit.

It’s not a good feeling knowing your loved one intentionally causes you pain and feels happy doing it.

Part of me wanted to drop Sunnie where she was and never speak to her again, but who was I to judge and cast stones? I’d rather help guide her the best I can than abandon her when she needed someone, most especially with Khiver lurking in the shadows wanting to annihilate her for hurting Aleyah.

I was well aware that Sunnie lived a double life. To everyone else, she had no filter and wore her resting bitch face as a badge of honor. She fought with no need for a reason to and had no problem airing someone’s dirty laundry with an added theatric display if someone tried to play in her face. However, I never saw those sides of Sunnie. She never had the attitude I’ve seen in countless videos blasted on the internet. With me, she gave me her vulnerability and fears. She gave me the soft woman who had no problem submitting to me. So hearing her talk about her feelings about Aleyah, that shit blew my mind.

I was experiencing the real Sunnie, and I didn’t like it.

“How can you be so evil? Do you hate your mother that much?”

It was too good to be true.

We made it through my mother’s entire service and burial without my dad showing his ass and, of course, he waits until we get to the repast to put on a fucking show. He barely uttered a word when Bishop instructed Jeremiah and me to sit next to him as the burial service began. He never uttered a word when we laid roses on her casket and watched the city workers lower it six feet in the ground. He never said a word. But now, in the ballroom where the repast was being held with all of our family and friends, he decided this was the pivotal moment to express his hate for me.

I’d barely stepped inside, and he was gunning for me.

“Dad.” Exhausted, my shoulders and head dropped. I wasn’t in the mood for his shit.

“No son of mine would’ve done the things you’ve done.” He seethed, spit flying, and drunken feet stumbling. “I told you, you weren’t invited, and you still disrespect me anyway by bringing one of your prostitutes. Continuing to bring shame to the family by bringing a common whore. Your mother ain’t even cold in the grave and you’re already…”

“Zeek, no.” Sunnie gasped, moving out the way as my fist connected to my dad’s nose and eye.

I’m tired.

Sick and tired of this man’s shit.

“Yo, who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” I yelled in his face, spitting out the same disrespect he’d given me. Gurgling and wiggling like the little bitch he was, I hemmed him up higher on the wall until his feet were off the ground, dangling like a true bitch. “Your problems are with me, not her. Don’t ever in your sorry ass life disrespect her or me, do you understand?” He continued to try and pry my hands from his neck, not giving me the answer I wanted. “Do you understand me?”

“Yes.” He choked.

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