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I looked up long enough to see his stern eyes still on me.

“I’m just trying to help you understand. These men lure women in with the promise of food and shelter and then put us to work in whatever way they feel. One day, I could be cleaning, or cooking, or… The point is they always found a way for us to …service them.”

His eyes flashed dangerously.

“It wasn’t always what you’re thinking of,” I hastened to clarify. “I mean, sometimes. Maybe…”

This wasn’t helping. I swallowed hard and continued. “We couldn’t leave because, even without the threat of violence, where exactly would we go? Even on the worst days, we were fed and given a place to sleep. Then they started working with this person named Conii.”

“Conii?” Ryrik pulled back as if the name had bitten him.

“Yeah, do you know her?”

“Just keep telling your story.” He clearly knew her, but it was not the time to push him. It was time to be submissive and do what he asked.

“But once the Quilthar started working with Conii, everything got worse. I’m not exactly sure what she had them doing, but they got angrier. More stressed. And they took it out on us girls. When the opportunity came to leave the planet, I jumped on it. Figured, worst case scenario, I get to see a new world. Best case, I get a chance to escape. But we ended up on Thodos III. Nowhere to escape on a space station.”

“Regardless,” Ryrik said. “If you escaped your masters, by law you’d be returned to them the moment you were caught. You’re an indentured servant.”

“Not always. Not until I started working at the casino.”

“What?” Ryrik looked more shocked than when I mentioned Conii.

“The Quilthar were willing, more or less. At least it started that way. I was just happy to be inside with a full belly. But over time, they asked for more and more, and I wasn’t in a position to refuse. But I was never bought or sold by anyone until Thodos III.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Ryrik said. “At the Black Star… All of our workers, at least our human ones, are indentured. Draven never would’ve just hired a random human.”

“Exactly. Conii forged my ownership passes and digital certificates. Then we just waited for the right moment. But that didn’t take very long, to be honest.”

“The right moment?”

“When the casino was hiring. Word reached Conii and the Quilthar that the Black Star was in need of new hostesses. And I got volunteered. ‘She’s just pretty enough to get the job done but not so pretty to get noticed’ is what I think Conii said. She’s the worst. I don’t know what you think about her, but from the first moment I met her…”

“Don’t worry, she has no fans around here.”

“Hmm, anyway, one of the Quilthar brokered the deal with someone here at the casino, Draven, I think you said. I was given my orders, to report any and all information I hear from both guests and staff. Now we’re here.”

Ryrik cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyebrows. “But why go along with it? Why get wrapped up in all of this if you aren’t really an indentured servant?”

“I tried. I used to be able to put on my charm and get out of some things with the Quilthar before Conii came along. But she put an end to that. She has my friend as a hostage. I’ve had to think on my feet most of my life and act a part. So I needed to do that again. If I don’t do a good job…”

“I get the idea.”

I looked at Ryrik, hoping to see some expression to tell me he believed me. But I just got a blank look. His eyes were seemingly studying me.

“So what now? Do you believe me?”

“I don’t know yet,” Ryrik mumbled. “You’ve told me a lot just now. Any part of it could be a lie, impossible to double check. Except for one part.”

“Which part?”

Ryrik pulled a device out of his pocket and fiddled with it.

“Your indenture passes, it should be in the system. I have a direct linkup to the Ministry of Manpower. No fake is perfect. And I doubt it was examined all too closely because who would fake that? But if that part of your story seems true, the rest might fall into place.”

“So, you’ll believe I told the truth? If the paperwork is faked?”

“I didn’t say that.” Ryrik kept his eyes glued to the device.

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