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An attack would alert Conii and send everyone into lockdown. A riot, on the other hand, would simply draw the Quilthar away from their posts.

It wasn’t difficult. A few insults were thrown, discreetly knocking over booth tables, and then pinning it on several different people, and in no time, fights broke out at her biggest restaurant.

Quilthar swarmed the area. They had a big investment in a lot of the businesses in this section and chaos breaking out wasn’t good business.

When I was satisfied with the chaos I’d created, I quickly slipped away. I got three blocks before I nearly collided with a Quilthar. He glared down at me. “Where do you think you’re going in such a hurry?”

I made a great show of shrinking back and lowering my head. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to get away from that horrible riot.”

The Quilthar hissed. “No one leaves this area until peace has been restored.”

He moved to grab me, but just then, a knife slashed across his throat and he fell dead. I looked up to see Ryrik standing over him, his eyes blazing.

I gave him a smile. “I see phase two of the plan is underway?”

He nodded. “It is. Well done handling phase one.”

Phase two was for our forces to stick to the shadows and make their way toward Conii’s sector. If they encountered any of Conii’s thugs, they were to kill them quickly and quietly. With the majority of Quilthar focused on stopping the riot, they wouldn’t notice their missing comrades before it was too late.

“Let’s move,” Ryrik said, already moving down the hall. I squealed and hurried to catch up with him.

As we moved, I spotted other Vinduthi and their allies moving in the shadows. And wherever a Quilthar might appear, they were quickly taken out by one of those shadows. Before we knew it, we were upon Conii’s stronghold.

We went around to one of the back entrances that held the transports. Sakkar pulled out a device and immediately scrambled the outer security cameras. “We only have a few moments before they realize something’s wrong, get those explosives set,” the security specialist said.

Ryrik and some of the other Vinduthi rigged up the explosives along the large back doors in impressive time. We stood clear of the explosion range. Ryrik hit the switch and the bombs went off with a resounding boom.

Everyone leaped to action instantly. Up until now, we’d played a slow, quiet game. The time for games was over now. And the time for quiet was definitely over.

As we entered the transport dock, Draven gave out only one order. “Waste everything!”

Everyone let out an enraged battle cry and did exactly as they were told. The transports were gunned down before the first Quilthar guards made their way in. From there, it was a firefight.

Shots rang out all around us, and I did my best to return fire. The first guards who had responded to the explosion were killed in a matter of minutes. We pressed on and Draven ordered us into our teams. We spread out and took the compound.

Our team was the largest, and our first priority was to find Isa. We encountered several patrols of Quilthar, and every time, Ryrik would put himself between me and the gunfire. I returned fire where I could and stayed out of the way where I couldn’t.

It was hard to tell how much time passed with the chaos all around us, but it felt like we made good time.

I had just turned a corner into another room when something shot barely an inch away from my face. In the next instant, Ryrik tackled me and pulled me back behind a pillar. He snarled up at a balcony overlooking the room. I followed his gaze and my blood froze.

Conii. Conii, who held a blaster firmly in her grip.

It was only then that I realized what had flown just past my face, what had barely missed me, was a shot Conii had taken at me. My heart beat wildly as I realized just how close to dying I’d come.

“Conii,” Ryrik snarled. “You’d better hope someone else gets their hands on you before I do.”

The Nazok woman just sneered. “Don’t be ridiculous. None of you are leaving here alive.”

Seven Quilthar appeared beside her, all armed. They fired on our group. Everyone ducked for cover now, desperately trying to return shots.

Ryrik gestured to his Vinduthi brothers, and they all moved at once. Covering each other, they kept running to different positions and taking shots. It was incredible and something that clearly only could be done by people who had fought side by side together for a long time.

One by one, the Quilthar fell until it was only Conii. She growled and aimed her gun right at Ryrik.

I didn’t hesitate. My gun was pointed at Conii in an instant and I fired. My shot hit her in the shoulder, and Conii’s shot in turn went wide and didn’t so much as clip Ryrik.

He turned to me and gave me a nod of thanks. Then he turned his attention back to Conii. “You’ve got bigger problems than just us. The Ardik Federation is on their way. They will take you.”

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