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Ryrik chuckled. “I’ll admit, that is what it means sometimes. I’ve had to do that a few times myself. But, no. An alleyway or gutter isn’t nearly as easy to defend as this place.”

He flipped on a switch near the door and then typed in a code. Something whirred and I gave him a questioning look. Ryrik just grinned. “Vinduthi know things around the station. Like that this place comes with its own security.”

I relaxed a bit at that. Between Ryrik and a Vinduthi approved security system, I almost felt completely safe.

I put my bags away and then Ryrik and I sat down on the couch to hash out a plan.

“Our first priority is getting your friend out,” he said. “If we can get her out of the equation, that’ll free up our options on moving in on Conii.”

I grimaced. “But how?”

“I didn’t just choose this place for its security. It’s also close to a number of our allies.”

A few moments later, Ryrik knocked on the door of an apartment, and to my surprise, one of Banek’s guards opened it. He took one look at Ryrik and scowled. “What are you doing here?”

I glanced at Ryrik and saw him trying to keep an annoyed look off his face. “I need Banek’s assistance dealing with a matter.”

The Mondian in question stepped into view and huffed. “You mean the problem where your business is starting to look shady?” Banek snapped. “Or maybe your patrons getting screwed over?”

“In a way, yes.”

Banek shook his head. “Look, I want to believe the best about you guys, but you’re really not looking good on this one. Until you can clear some things up, I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

And with an apologetic look, Banek shut the door. Ryrik’s mask of calm immediately dropped.

I shifted on my feet nervously. “What do we do now?”

Ryrik set his jaw. “Banek isn’t the only ally we have around here. Let’s go knock on some more doors. One of them is bound to help.”

Apparently, none of them were willing to help. Whether from weariness or outright anger, none of them were willing to stick their necks out.

My head swam. Isa was still being held by those monsters. What would we do if we couldn’t find help? What would happen to her? To me?


Ryrik’s voice snapped me out of my spiraling thoughts. He took my shoulders firmly but gently. “We’ll figure this out. I promise.”

Letting out a deep breath, I nodded. I had to keep believing there was a solution. For all our sakes.


Quilthar crawled along this sector everywhere. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, Conii’s base wasn’t too far from here.

I kept my hood up and my head low as I did my best to map out what I could. Two Quilthar stood watch at the junction of an alley. Another pair patrolling the Promenade. I moved further along the alleyway, hoping the watchmen didn’t take notice.

Sticking to the shadows as I entered a side path, I kept moving. There were enough non-Quilthar milling about that I was not completely out of place. However, there was a noticeable lack of Vinduthi there, too. If I was discovered, the Quilthar would be on me faster than I could curse.

Even with those odds, I couldn’t leave yet. I had to see if there were any weak points where I could infiltrate Conii’s stronghold. If we could get Isa out, everything would be a lot easier.

There was a grate not too far from me that probably led to a service shaft that could take me closer to the area. There was also a diner next to it that was clearly a favorite of the Quilthar.

“Damn,” I cursed under my breath. So many Quilthar, too many for even someone like me to take them on. Even if I got through the sewer line and up near Conii’s, there would be even twice as many of her goons posted there. Add that to my complete lack of knowledge of what the inside of the complex looked like, and it was a near impossible task.

Still, knowing she was so close was like dangling a piece of meat in front of a dog. After everything we’d done to establish the Vinduthi, and there was Conii setting up shop again. Just out of reach.

Deciding there was nothing else I could do right now, I made my way out of Conii’s domain. The whole way back to Amber, my mind ran through all the possibilities of what I could have done.

Maybe if I had set up a distraction at the diner, I could have slipped into the grate and gotten closer. Or if I triggered a false alarm on one side of the sector, I could have gone in the opposite way. Or maybe even if I had taken the guards out one by one and forced my way through, I would have gotten past.

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