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I leaned over her, brushing her hair back from her cheek. “If I have to imagine you changing in and out of these gowns for any longer, we’re going to cause an incident in the store.”

Crimson burned her cheeks and her breath caught as I moved her hand against my straining cock.

“Let’s go home. Now.”

We left the store with bags full of dozens of new dresses and outfits for her. As we moved through the station, she looked up at me with a huge smile.

“Thank you,” Amber said.

“Of course.”

“I’ve never had a day like this where I just… felt like a girl. Wear pretty dresses and look nice. Thank you.”

“Let’s get all of this back to the apartment,” I said quickly, not sure how to respond to that.

The two of us hurried back to the casino. I took Amber toward the side entrance of the complex, which would bring us right to the private hover lifts up to the apartment. But as we approached the entrance, something felt off.

As we got closer, I could tell what it was. Outside the side entrance door, a Mondian stood hunched over, as if he was going to be sick and was using the wall for support.

But as we got closer, I saw that it wasn’t that he was sick.

He was hunched over because he was dead.

A knife pierced his back, holding a single sheet of plex.

“What the hell is that?” Amber asked, fear infecting every syllable.

I motioned for Amber to stay back. Then I slowly approached the knife until I could see what was written on the plex. It had just a single sentence.

We’re watching you.


All the way to Draven’s office, I felt my body still shaking. Everything felt too tight, too fragile. And everyone around me felt too much like a threat.

I heard Ryrik get off his percomm as we walked. There was no camera footage of the knife and corpse. When they examined further, they had found to no one's surprise, that the camera had been remotely tampered with. It was something that would have been caught pretty soon, but because whoever did this only needed was a few minutes, it was enough.

Ryrik, on the other hand, wore a much different but no less intense expression. He was like a raging storm, ready to strike out at anybody that so much as looked at him wrong. I tried to take comfort in the fact that his anger came from a place of wanting to protect me. That he would keep us safe.

As we approached Draven’s door, a Vinduthi guard stopped us with an outstretched hand. “I don’t think you’re going to want to go in there right now,” the guard warned.

Ryrik growled. “Step aside. I have news he’s going to want to hear. Things we need to discuss.”

The other Vinduthi grimaced but firmly shook his head. “Trust me, he’s not in the mood today.”

“I don’t care what mood he’s in today,” Ryrik snapped. “I’m in a bad mood myself, so we’re going to see him.”

The two Vinduthi stared each other down for a few more minutes, and, for a while, I thought it might come to blows. Thankfully, though, the guard merely sighed and stepped over to the side.

Well, that definitely didn’t instill confidence in me. I turned to Ryrik to ask him if maybe we should come back another time, but he had already moved to the door. Not having much choice, I quickly followed after him.

Inside the office, Draven stood in front of his desk, having a severe conversation with someone on his percomm.

“I know what you’ve heard, but we’re not responsible for that,” he said. “Believe me, I’m doing everything I can to get this little ordeal under control. Until then, I don’t want to hear any more accusations of the Black Star colluding with third parties to take down your business.”

Draven ended the call abruptly and looked up sharply at Ryrik. “I don’t have time for you right now. Get out.”

His tone made me flinch, but Ryrik didn’t back down. “We have a situation.”

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