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“Amber,” he said again. His voice was hoarse from desire, his red eyes dark and intense. He leaned in closer, his hot breath brushing against my ear. “I need you.”

His words sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I clenched around him in response. He groaned, his hands moving from my breasts to grip my hips tightly. Our bodies moved together in the dim light, two silhouettes writhing against the sheets.

Ryrik adjusted himself above me, allowing for deeper penetration. The new angle had me crying out in pleasure, my hands clutching him desperately as a fresh wave of pleasure threatened to consume me.

He caught my lips with his own, muffling any other sounds that dared to escape from between them. His kisses were rough and demanding, mirroring the rhythm of our bodies as they moved together in perfect harmony.

Suddenly, Ryrik broke away from our kiss to nip my neck instead. His teeth grazed over my sensitive skin, sending chills down my spine that only amplified the sensations coursing through me.

The knot within me tightened once more, this time threatening to break free at any moment. “Ryrik!” I gasped out his name again as if it were a prayer. He answered with a deep thrust that had me arching off the bed.

My heart pounded in my chest as euphoria washed over me in waves. My body trembled beneath him as I succumbed to the pleasure he offered. Every touch and every thrust sent me spiraling further and further into bliss.

Ryrik soon followed suit, his own climax announced by a deep groan that echoed through the room. His rhythmic movements gradually slowed before coming to a complete stop, leaving us both panting and clinging to each other in the aftermath of such physical exertion.


“Time to wake up,” I commanded.

At the sound of my words, the artificial sunlight in the bedroom turned on. The warm light fell gently on Amber’s exposed skin. Her naked form from the evening’s events was only partially covered by the blankets.

As Amber stretched awake, she exposed more of her body. I quickly averted my eyes. Last night was… Regardless, there were things we needed to do, and no distractions could be allowed.

“What?” Amber responded. Her voice was hoarse and groggy.

“It’s time to wake up now, Amber.”

“Hmm.” She made the noise while stretching some more. “Why? Why not just stay here all day? I’ve never slept in a bed so comfortable.”

“You can return to it later, but we have things to do today.”

“Wait.” Amber’s eyes finally opened fully to look at me. “You’re serious? I thought this was the only safe place for me while Conii was still out there? Why are we leaving?”

“It’s the safest place, not the only safe place,” I said, heading to the door.

“But… Isn’t it dangerous? Conii could have agents all over the place. They could be looking for me right now, and who knows what will happen if they find me!”

“Conii would never strike in a populated place, certainly not during the day. Now get up and get dressed. We leave in five.”

I walked out of the bedroom feeling Amber’s eyes on my back.

Four minutes later, Amber joined me at the door. She was dressed in her Black Star hostess uniform with her hair tied back in a tight bun.

“Why are you dressed like that?” I asked.

“Um? Are you not taking me to work?”

“No, that would not be smart.”

“Well, this uniform is the nicest and cleanest clothes I own anyway.”

“And that’s about to change.”

“What do you mean?”

I simply opened the door to the apartment and led Amber out.

It wasn’t long before the two of us were out of the Black Star Casino's territory. When we stepped out into the open halls of Thodos III, Amber stood closer to me, holding my arm tightly.

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