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“So far, how have you enjoyed your time working at the Black Star Casino?” Ryrik asked.

“Um.” I bit my lip and shrugged. “About as well as anyone who's been forced into being an indentured servant on the threat of their friend’s life.”

“Right.” Ryrik’s full lips went up in a half-smile. “I should’ve guessed that.”

We both laughed together for a moment at the ridiculous question. Though a part of me understood why he asked. Having dinner with him just now, I almost let myself forget everything going on around us. He was hardly the scary Vinduthi I first pegged him as.

“Have you been at the Black Star Casino for long?”

“I have.”

“How did you start?”

“Well, Draven and the other guys running the casino with us, we all went through the war together. We’re a brotherhood. When the war ended, we found ourselves in this line of work. And it’s clearly been lucrative. Though, it’s proven to be its own kind of war.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say Conii is not the first, and likely won’t be the last, that we’ve had a run in with. When you sit on a throne, you have to expect enemies to come for the crown.”

“Right. I imagine there is never a quiet day around here.”

“Hardly. Always something to be doing. I’m not even sure the last time I truly sat down just to have a meal with—” Ryrik paused at the sound of a bell ringing.

He then quickly pulled out a device from his pocket. He quietly looked at it for a moment before stuffing it back in his pocket and returning his attention to me.

“I’m so sorry, Amber,” he said while making intense eye contact. “Duty calls. That was Draven and I must answer him. Feel free to wait around to finish your dinner and wine, and you can also have what I didn’t finish. Don’t worry about the bill and head straight home after. Okay?”


“Goodnight, Amber.”


Before I could even fully finish the word, Ryrik headed to the door. His comms device was already on, and he was back to work.

I quickly finished the leftover food and wine and hurried out as well.

The walk back to my place in The Under was anything but peaceful. I had to walk through some of the worst territories Thodos III had to offer a young woman on her own. But by this point, no one had tried anything with me. Yet.

I shouldn’t have been so confident.


The Black Star Casino was being prepared for another night of high rollers and entertainment when I arrived. Typically, I would head backstage or check with tonight’s performers to make sure everything in my department was ready to go. But from the way Draven’s message had been worded, it was clear that he needed to talk to me immediately.

I nodded at the Vinduthi standing guard outside Draven’s office, and the guard stepped aside to let me in. The boss sat at his desk, staring at a display with a half annoyed look on his face. He looked up at me as I entered and gestured to a seat.


Short and to the point. Something was definitely rankling him. “Is there a problem?” I asked as I took a seat.

Draven huffed and took one more look at the display before shutting it off. “There very well may be. Tell me, have you gotten any complaints lately?”

I raised an eyebrow at that. “Sure but nothing unusual. Rich entitled brats wanting backstage passes, drunk patrons angry they were cut off, known rival gang members being denied entrance. But somehow I doubt any of those things have got your attention.”

A muscle in Draven’s jaw tightened. “No. These complaints are ones I’m inclined to take fairly seriously.”

“Such as?”

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