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“What was that?” the bartender asked.

“Nothing, back to work.”

I had every opportunity to tell Draven everything about Amber and Conii, and it didn’t even cross my mind. If I told Draven about it, he’d probably immediately order Amber be killed. Then I’d have to do it.

Not that I needed his permission. If I saw fit, I could do it right now. But I didn’t.

Something, some pit in my gut, tugged at me. It told me not to do it. Let her live. For now.

With that, my mind shifted away from any thoughts of killing Amber. Mainly because it would accomplish nothing.

If we killed Amber, Conii would just send someone else. Maybe another hostess. Or possibly someone in the maintenance crew. Or on the security team. Or all of those possibilities.

She’d just send more and more and more. We’d kill her agents just for another to take their place. Killing Conii’s goons and the poor folks she forced to do her dirty work wouldn’t get us to her.

A more drastic solution was needed. A more direct strike against her would be preferred.

Besides, this was all Conii’s doing, after all. That’s where my focus needed to be. Not punishing this human, who for all intents purposes, was not a threat anymore. My eyes would be on her constantly. Her days of passing information to Conii were done.

Conii had been a thorn in the side of the Black Star Casino for far too long. Her schemes and plans to destroy us had been foiled time and time again, even as she managed to cause a great deal of damage. We thought after the last time that she’d be gone for good, but clearly, she didn’t know when to quit.

With any luck, this current ill-advised plan of hers would be the one that would finally get her caught. Get her in our grasp. Soon, she’d pay for all she’d done.

“Ryrik!” Amber rushed up to me. “I can’t work like this, with you staring at me. I need to know what you plan to do!”

I grabbed her by the arm and tugged her away to a quiet part of the room.

“Do you believe me?” she continued. “Do you not? Are you going to kill me?”

“No,” I responded. “I won’t kill you.”

The words just naturally flowed out of my mouth. But they were right. I no longer planned on killing her, and I felt in my core that it was the correct course of action.

I also no longer felt that anger from before bubbling under the surface. My next course of action was determined. I knew just what to do next.

“You won’t?” she responded with a smile.

“No. You aren’t important enough to kill.”

Her shoulders sagged. “Oh… Thank you, I guess?”

“Conii won’t stop until we stop her,” I continued.

“Wait…” Amber’s face lit up. “You’re going to help me?”

“No, Amber. You’re going to help me.”


“I— What? I’m going to help you?”

My head was hit with a rush of confusion by the claim. I was just a small human woman who could barely keep myself alive these past years. Yet here was this big, strong, intimidating man standing before me needing my help. It just didn’t make any sense.

“Yes, Amber. Yes, you are.”

“How the hell could I help you? I’m the one in trouble right now!”

“Let’s go get some dinner. Some place quieter where we can talk without prying ears.”

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