Page 93 of Cross My Heart

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“I didn’t want to come empty handed.” Sutton kissed Dad’s cheek. “I got your favorite.”

“You’re always welcome here with or without food.” Dad pulled down plates and set them next to the box. “Try not to eat like cavemen.”

“We can’t help it,” Jameson said as he licked his fingers.

Dad pushed the napkins in his direction.

Sometimes, I wasn’t sure he’d ever grow up. I rolled my eyes as I hugged Sutton who’d been at our house a lot when we were growing up.

“Now, what’s this about Jameson’s job?” Wes asked as he carefully set a donut on the plate and grabbed a napkin.

I sighed. “Stop giving him a hard time. You’re going to give him a complex.”

“I don’t have a complex, and I don’t need to be defended,” Jameson said grumpily. “I love my jobs.”

“Why do you have so many?” Wes asked.

“I like to keep busy,” Jameson said.

“Jameson was just telling us that he’s going to be coaching a kids’ football team,” Dad said.

“No shit?” Wes asked, and if I wasn’t mistaken, there was a tint of respect in his voice.

Jameson nodded. “They approached me.”

“That’s great.” Wes bit into his donut.

Dad busied himself pouring coffee for Wes and Sutton and milk for Jameson. “I’m happy to have most of my kids home for the holidays this year. That means more help with the turkey.”

“Should we wait until Daphne’s here?” I asked, knowing she was a better cook than all of us.

Dad looked at the counter where there was a piece of paper with something typed on it. “She left me written instructions.”

I stepped close so I could read them. We worked together to follow the steps. Jameson put on holiday music, and we laughed and teased each other. I just hoped the turkey was edible when it was done cooking and not too dry.

When the turkey was in the oven, Wes said, “If it doesn’t come out right, it’s Daphne’s fault. She should be here.”

Teddy walked into the kitchen. “Where is Izzy? I want to see my favorite niece.”

I hugged him. “They’re at Cole’s family’s house. They’ll be here soon.”

Teddy grumbled.

“You’re going to have to get used to Cole being in Daphne’s life,” Dad chided.

Teddy shook his head. “Izzy’s ours. We shouldn’t have to share her with the Monroes.”

Dad braced his hands on the counter. “Then you know what you need to do.”

“And what’s that?” Teddy asked.

“Give me more grandbabies.”

The guys groaned, and Jameson said, “Don’t be ridiculous. You already have two.”

Wes sipped his coffee. “None of us are ready to settle down.”

My face heated, even though I knew they were talking about themselves. Whenever Dad gave the boys a hard time for not settling down, he wasn’t referring to us girls. He knew we had a better chance of that than them.

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