Page 91 of Cross My Heart

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“Cole likes to purchase the practical presents,” Daphne said to me, but I heard the warmth in her tone. Izzy hadn’t grown up with her biological father, but Cole had stepped into the role.

When all the presents were unwrapped and she was playing with some figurine horses that were in her stocking, Daphne said, “We spoiled her this year.”

“You mean Santa spoiled her,” I reminded her.

“Nothing but the best for my girls,” Cole said as he leaned down to kiss Daphne.

It was so sweet; my heart clenched. I wondered if I should have stayed at my dad’s and let them have this morning to themselves. This was their first Christmas together in their new house.

“You forgot my present,” I said to Izzy as I stood up and waded through the mounds of wrapping paper to find the envelope. “It’s not as exciting as a box, but I hope you like it.”

Izzy grinned at me as she tore it open.

“What is it?” Daphne asked from the couch where Cole now sat next to her.

Izzy’s eyes widened. “It’s a gift card for riding lessons.”

“I know you can ride at the farm, but I thought it would be good to have some instruction. That stable also participates in competitions if that’s something you’d like to do when you get older.”

Izzy flew into my lap and hugged me. “I can’t wait. Will you be here for my first lesson?”

I tensed. “I don’t know when that will be, but I’d love to catch it.”

Daphne shrugged and mouthed, “You shouldn’t have.”

But I just smiled because it felt good to give my niece what she wanted, and I knew it was expensive for Daphne, especially when she was trying to get her business off the ground.

While Daphne cooked breakfast, I helped Cole clean up the wrapping paper. I was so grateful to be here with my sister’s family, but I couldn’t shake the melancholy feeling about Aiden.

This morning, he’d texted, Merry Christmas, but nothing else since. I wasn’t sure how to respond since he’d essentially kicked me out of the inn last night. Was he going to pretend that he hadn’t gutted me?

I didn’t have the luxury of taking time to think about it because today was for family. I’d have a moment to wallow tonight when everyone was asleep. I wouldn’t let myself think about how much it hurt. I kept trying to push those thoughts to the back of my mind, but my heart ached, and my chest felt as if there was a hole in it.

That afternoon, I went to my dad’s while Daphne, Cole, and Izzy headed to the Monroes to open presents there.

When I arrived at Dad’s, Jameson greeted me at the door. “My favorite sister.”

I smiled against his chest. “That’s the same thing you tell Daphne.”

Jameson stepped away, a grin on his face. “And I usually get away with it. It’s rare you two are in the same place at the same time.”

I winced. “I guess that’s my fault.”

“We haven’t seen much of you since you’ve been staying at the inn,” Dad said as I walked into the kitchen.

“I was helping Aiden and Marley renovate the movie theater, but that’s done now.” And I was positive he wouldn’t want me helping with the rest of the projects. “I stayed with Daphne last night and got to see Izzy open her presents.”

“I bet that was fun,” Dad said with a smile on his face.

“It was nice.”

“How long will you be staying after the holidays?” Dad asked.

“I’m not sure. I said I’d be back on the second.” Now, there was no reason to extend the trip.

“I kind of hoped you would fall in love with this place and stay,” Dad said easily.

I shook my head, my heart heavy. “I enjoy being here, but my job is there.”

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