Page 66 of Cross My Heart

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Fiona’s eyes softened. “Now can we eat? The food smells delicious.”

I plated her food, then got mine. We sipped our wine and ate.

“I can’t wait until the theater is completed, and we can see guests enjoying the movies, and eating the popcorn.”

“Me too.” I was pleased that Fiona was so invested in the renovation.

“I have a feeling it’s going to be huge for you and Marley.”

“Have you decided what you’re going to do yet?”

Fiona shook her head. “I want to finish the theater renovation, get through the holidays with my family, and then figure it out before the New Year.”

I hated not knowing what was going on with us. But it would be selfish to ask for more when she needed to make a decision about her career. I couldn’t interfere. “Marley is hoping to start showing movies in January.”

“I just hope I’m here to see it.”

I squeezed her hand. “You will be.”

“Neither of us can predict the future.”

“We don’t need to worry about it tonight. This is for us. Let’s enjoy being together without any more talk of the future.”

Fiona raised her glass. “I can get on board with that.”

I refilled her glass, and we carried the plates to the kitchen. “I’ll clean this tomorrow. Let’s take the wine up to my room.”

“That sounds perfect,” Fiona said as I grabbed the bottle and my glass. We headed upstairs.

“You know what we should do?” I asked as we took the stairs to the third floor.

“No. What?”

I moved toward the double doors. “We should dance. We’re already dressed up.”

Fiona tipped her head to the side. “You can do that. Just open the ballroom for us?”

I raised a brow. “I own half of this place. I can do whatever I want. And when will we ever be alone here again?”

Fiona smiled. “That’s true.”

I opened the double doors and flicked on the overhead lights. A decorated tree stood in the middle of the room, and there was a large painting of the inn on one wall. I hit Play on the music app on my phone and set it on the floor before holding out my hand to Fiona.

With a smile, she stepped into me. Her body pressed close to mine, and I curled my hand around hers.

Fiona looked up at me, the lights of the tree reflecting in her eyes. “This is romantic.”

My lips quirked. “I told you I could pull it off.”

Then we fell silent for a few seconds, swaying to the music and enjoying the lights on the tree.

Fiona paused, pulled back slightly, and touched her hand to my chest. “You should offer dance classes here.”

I almost tripped over my feet. “Are you serious?”

“Don’t you think it could be something cool to offer? You could have yoga classes here on Sunday mornings, dance classes on Friday or Saturday evenings.”

“Would we offer those to just guests, or open it to the public?”

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