Page 64 of Cross My Heart

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Finally, he pulled back, “Let’s go home. I have plans for you.”

He helped me to stand to brush off the snow. We climbed onto the snowmobile and headed home. The light was beginning to wane, the flurries coming down lighter now.

When we got off, he said, “The worst of the snow is done. We should be able to clear everything out tomorrow.”

The thought of going back to reality, to guests checking in and us resuming work on the basement, was disappointing. But I knew this was a brief respite.

“I’ll get this in the garage, then start dinner. Why don’t you take a bath in my room and get ready there?”

I smiled. “I can do that.”

He kissed me, then smacked my butt when I turned away from him. I gave him a look over my shoulder, but he just chuckled. I loved that Aiden was more easy-going with me. I’d noticed that he was more serious since he got out of the military, but it was nice that I brought out the younger version of him.

Inside, I grabbed the dress and shoes I wanted to wear and my toiletries, then headed upstairs to his apartment. He’d left his room unlocked, so I stepped inside and made my way to the large bathroom.

It was gorgeous with a large soaking tub and walk-in shower with several shower heads. The bathtub had a large window that overlooked the back of the property. There were no houses in view, so I turned on the water in the tub and stripped down. Then I pushed play on a holiday song and stepped into the tub.

I sank into the warm water, content to close my eyes. It was relaxing, especially since my muscles were sore from walking in the snow and sledding. I wondered what it would be like to date Aiden. Would we move into his apartment? Would I work with him?

What would I do after the renovation was done? Would I find similar work with nearby hotels and bed-and-breakfasts? Could I make a go of my own business? I wasn’t sure there were hotels that would be willing to work with a consultant. The large chains already had in-house people who did that work for them.

Marley made business ownership look easy, but I’d heard the opposite was true. That it took three to five years for most businesses to turn a profit. I didn’t have that kind of time. I had some money in savings but not enough to start a new business.

I got out of the tub, disgusted that I was even considering a life with Aiden. He could break things off at any time. Or maybe this was just a fun few days for him. He’d be able to walk away like last time, and I’d be left with a broken heart.

I dried off, taking the time to lotion my body and dress with care. I dried my hair, applied minimal makeup, then headed downstairs where the dining room table was set and candles lit in the center.

“This looks beautiful.”

Aiden came into the room in black slacks and a crisp white button-down, holding a platter of food. His eyes widened when he saw me. He set the platter in the middle of the table, then approached me. “You look gorgeous.”

He touched my shoulder, pulling me close.

I looked up at him. “You look handsome yourself. When did you have time to get dressed?”

“I snuck into my apartment while you were in the tub.”

“You didn’t want to join me?” I asked.

“I didn’t want the food to burn, and I knew if I went into that room, dinner would be a bust.

I chuckled. “That’s probably true.”

A smile spread over his face. “You’re too sexy to resist. I liked having you in my room, enjoying my tub.”

“I liked it too,” I said softly, my throat tightening with emotion. I liked it too much.

“I have a few more things to get ready.” Aiden’s hand drifted down my arm, and he entwined his fingers with mine. “Would you pick the wine? I think white would work best.”

In the kitchen, he’d set several bottles of wine on the counter. I chose a white that looked to be from a local winery and then helped him carry the side dishes and wine glasses into the dining room.

Dinner was chicken parmesan with warm rolls and salad.

Aiden sat at the head of the table, and I took the seat to his right. “I can’t believe you went to all this trouble.”

“I never got a chance to cook for you, pick you up for a date, or even take you to prom. I wanted to do something special.”

“You were there.”

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