Page 60 of Cross My Heart

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I leaned over and kissed her softly. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

“It’s very romantic—” Fi began, then broke off.

“I can be romantic.”

Fi smiled softly. “You used to leave flowers where I’d find them.”

“That was harder than you think. I had to avoid your brothers and put them in a place you’d find them and they wouldn’t.”

“I found them in the basket of my bike with a new book you thought I’d like,” she said slowly as if she was conjuring the images in her memory.

“You know, I picked the flowers from the gardens here and borrowed the books from the library. The librarian was so happy I was checking out books. I didn’t have the heart to tell her they were for someone else.”

Fiona covered my hand with hers, then pulled away. “It was the thought that counted. Not how much money you spent. But how did you know which books I’d like?”

I cut another bite of pancakes. “I paid attention to what girls your age were looking at. Sometimes I asked my sister. She assumed it was for a girl.”

“So you’ve always been romantic.” Fiona popped a strawberry slice into her mouth.

“I’m only like this with you.” I racked my brain trying to remember a relationship that lasted longer than a few months and whether I did more than cook them dinner. I never bought anyone else flowers.

“I feel special.”

“You are special.” She was everything. But I didn’t want to scare her away with words. I’d draw her in make her melt with my romantic gestures. She didn’t stand a chance.



Something had changed overnight. If I thought this was a one-night stand, a chance to see if we still had the same chemistry we did when we were younger, I was wrong. The energy coming off Aiden was that of a man who was in deep.

If he liked me, if he always had, why had he turned down my proposal? Why had he walked away from me, knowing I might never give him a second chance? I still wasn’t sure I wanted to. I was scared of what happened last time. But not fearful enough to go back to my room.

I wanted to spend the day with him.

When we finished eating, we drank our coffee slowly, watching the snow fall. Then we got up to clean the plates, placing them in the dishwasher.

“What do you want to do first? We can go for a hike, build a snowman, or I can take you for a ride on the snowmobile. Although I might want to do that when it’s dark. There’s something I want to show you.”

“What’s that?”

“Talon built lights under the water of the pond on the Monroes’ farm. We could take a ride over there.”

“I’d love to see it. Are you sure they won’t mind?”

“I’ll give Heath a heads-up. Did you bring your snow gear?”

“I did only because I was hoping to go skiing one weekend. But I figured I’d need to travel farther north for good snow.”

“You’re in luck then. Want to get dressed, then meet in the lobby?”

I sensed a hesitation in him, as if he wasn’t ready to let me go or he thought I might change my mind. I stepped close, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Sounds like a plan.” Then I kissed him before grabbing my clothes from the night before.

When I walked by Aiden, he smacked my ass. I gave him a disgruntled look, and he winked.

“You’re impossible.”

He opened his mouth, then closed it.

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