Page 44 of Cross My Heart

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I must have nodded off in the chair because the next thing I knew, lights were shining in my eyes. I straightened. Was it Fiona coming home?

Fiona closed her car door and made her way up the porch steps.

“How was it?” I asked her, regretting my decision as soon as her hand went to her chest.

“You startled me.”

I stood and moved toward her. “Sorry. I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

She smiled, and I could see that she was more relaxed than before. “Can we sit on the swing?”

“Of course.” It was our favorite place to sit when we hung out here as teens. My parents rarely came to the inn itself, saying Gram didn’t want our family lurking around. My mom’s favorite thing to taunt us with was that everyone thought we were trash.

We settled on the swing, and I pushed off with my foot to move it.

“I forgot how my brothers teased each other. And it’s nice to see Jameson more settled.”

“Is he the one that’s a firefighter?” I’d heard a little about her brothers over the years, mainly how most of them were in law enforcement.

“And he substitute teaches at the middle school. He said that they are in desperate need of teachers, and apparently the kids love him.”

“Middle school kids love him?”

Daphne smiled. “That’s what he says, and I believe it. He’s the brother that’s charming. The rest of them didn’t get that same trait. Apparently, Jameson fills in for bus drivers too.”

“How does he have time for all of that?”

Fiona frowned. “I probably should be worried about him doing too much, but I’m just so happy he figured out what he wanted to do with his life; I can’t give him a hard time.”

“Your brothers aren’t your responsibility.”

Fiona sighed. “I know, but I’ve always worried about them. Especially since Mom died. I had her for nineteen years, but they didn’t. I know Teddy and Wes kept an eye on our younger siblings.”

“You don’t have to worry.”

“I don’t think you ever stop worrying about your family.”

“You’re probably right.” I thought about Marley and how I worried about her when I was deployed. I relied on her and Gram’s letters to feel like I was on the right path. Occasionally, Gram would tell me how Fiona was doing. It hurt to read that Fiona had moved on, but at the same time, she’d graduated from college and had a successful career. That’s what I wanted for her.

“It was nice. I’m glad I went.”

I felt better knowing that she was okay. “Good.”

“I’m no closer to knowing what I want to do with my life, but I like spending time with my family. There’s something about being able to swing by for family dinner night, or to watch Izzy for Cole and Daphne so they can go out.”

I was almost afraid to ask, “Do you want to move closer to home?”

“My job takes me all over the place. I have to travel to whatever hotel needs my help but my home base is in Chicago.”

“You like traveling?” I continued to use my foot to push the swing.

“At first, I did. I thought I’d be able to see all these cities, but you end up just working all the time. Then I’m exhausted from the travel.”

I wished she was ready for a more relaxed lifestyle. But I couldn’t push her. It had to be her decision.

Fiona stood. “Thanks for listening to me, but I should get to bed. We have another full day tomorrow.”

I stood and followed her inside. “

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