Page 24 of Cross My Heart

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“I can hang out with Aiden. I told you we’re working together on the movie-theater project.”

“Yeah, but this is different. It’s more of a relaxed setting. I just wanted to be careful of your feelings.”

I flashed her a smile. “I told you; Aiden and I were over a long time ago. Looking back, we were never anything. Everyone has that first love. It doesn’t mean you’re supposed to be together forever. We can hang out together as friends.”

Daphne placed her arm around me as she walked me to my rental car. “I’m starting to think you’re protesting too much.”

Her arm fell away when we reached my driver’s side door. “We hung out this morning, and there was zero awkwardness.”

Daphne scrutinized my face. “I’m just worried about you.”

If my heart held out hope that we could reconnect while I was in town, my brain would overrule it. There was no way I’d let Aiden hurt me again. But I was safe because he was unaffected by my presence. “You don’t need to worry about me. I’ve always been the strong one.”

Daphne narrowed her eyes on me. “Dad said you’re strong on the outside but soft on the inside.”

I laughed. “I’m going to have a conversation with him, because I’m tough. We had to be growing up with five brothers.”

Daphne hugged me. “I’m so glad you’re home. I wish you could stay.”

“Me too.” I swallowed over the lump in my throat. It wouldn’t be a good idea to stick around. I needed to cut ties and to go back where I was safe. Where my heart was protected.

I followed Cole’s truck to his new house. I’d only seen pictures of it before. The house itself was hidden from the road by tall trees. A tire swing hung from one in the front yard, and there was a swing on the porch.

Inside, we immediately got to work setting up Izzy’s things so it would be ready for her when she got home. Her bedroom had white furniture, a pink canopy, and a full-length mirror with flowers on the edges.

Fiona touched the details on the frame of the mirror. “She’s still a little girl, but she’s going to want big girl things soon too.”

“I think she’s going to love the cozy chairs.” There was a round one and one that hung from the ceiling.

“I wanted her to be comfortable here. I know it’s a transition moving. We lived with Dad for the first few years. Although I don’t know if she remembers it,” Daphne said.

Cole poked his head in. “The bus is dropping her off here?”

Fiona nodded. “I double-checked with the school this morning.”

“Is Dad going to be upset that you’re moving off the farm?” I asked her.

“He understands, and I think he wants Izzy to have a father figure. He wants her to have everything, and he knows this is what’s best for us.” Then she smiled wide. “If you’re so worried about him, you could stay in my cottage.”

“I might do that. Although I’m kind of enjoying the service at the hotel.” I had a decorated tree and breakfast downstairs waiting for me. And Aiden. As much as my brain knew it wasn’t a good idea to be around him, my body and heart felt differently.

Daphne winked at me. “I bet you are.”

“Ugh. I didn’t mean that.” I couldn’t help but think about what it would be like if Aiden snuck into my room at night and serviced me. Now I was hot and bothered in front of my sister and future brother-in-law.

“You think she’ll like the lights?” Cole turned on the string of lights he’d hung on the ceiling.

“She’s going to love it.” What little girl wouldn’t? I was so happy for Daphne and Izzy. They were getting everything they’d ever wanted. If I felt a pang of loneliness, that was to be expected. It wouldn’t be the first time I felt these emotions if I was going to continue to dedicate myself to my career.

Daphne glanced at her phone. “Speaking of the bus. It’s due any minute.”

Both of them hurried out of the room as if they couldn’t wait to see Izzy and show her to her new space. It was heartwarming to see Cole want to meet Izzy at the bus stop. I couldn’t have asked for a better man for my sister.

I took a few pictures of the room. Then sent one to Aiden. I wasn’t sure why I did it. We’d spent a good portion of the morning together, and I wanted to share this with him too. He was friends with Cole, so hopefully he wouldn’t think it meant anything more than it was—a friend sharing her day with him.

Her room looks great. Make sure you get a good picture of her reaction when she sees it.

I heard the front door open and close and voices getting closer.

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