Page 25 of Cross My Heart

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I typed out a quick response so I could get in position to take Izzy’s picture.

On it.

I was very aware that this was a private moment with a new family, and I should have left them alone, but at the same time, I wanted to document the moment. I started the video when Izzy ran into the room and skidded to a stop.

“There’re lights.”

Cole moved close to her. “You picked out the furniture, and we chose a few other things you might like. I hung the lights, and your mom picked out the mirror.”

“You might not need it now, but when you’re a teenager—”

Izzy stood in front of the mirror with her hands on her hips. “Is it a magical mirror? Can I step through it and into another land?”

We all chuckled at her question, and Daphne said, “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s just a regular mirror.”

“I think it’s magical,” Izzy said as she turned and jumped into Cole’s arms. He seemed to anticipate her movement and crouched at the exact moment so he easily caught her. The video was still rolling, and I didn’t want to stop. Daphne hugged both of them.

Sensing it was time for me to leave. I turned off the video and quietly snuck out. I was happy for them, but the sensation of loneliness persisted.



I was surprised when Fiona sent me the picture of Izzy’s new room. Then I didn’t hear from her after I asked her to take video of the big reveal. Maybe Fiona realized her mistake in reaching out to me. I wasn’t sure why she felt the need to send me the picture, but I took it as a good sign.

Fiona was starting to remember what it was like when we were together. We were friends as well as lovers. We shared our hopes and dreams. I tried not to weigh her down with the extent of my parents’ toxicity, but she always knew when it was bad. She had this way of coaxing it out of me.

I’d kept myself busy over the years, so I wouldn’t think of Fiona and the moment I broke her heart. But now that I was home and she was too, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was our time. I hadn’t found anyone else that I loved as much as her.

I wasn’t sure she felt the same way, especially after I hurt her. She’d proposed, and I’d callously turned her down. The truth was, I’d panicked. The last thing I wanted was for her to quit school and follow me around the world. I didn’t want to get in the way of her living her dreams.

Unfortunately, she didn’t see what I was doing. She shut me out, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever get close to her again.

There were a lot of trucks in the driveway when I arrived. Mostly red ones with Monroe Christmas Tree Farm logos on the doors, but there was one Calloway truck. I hoped everyone was able to keep things civil tonight.

I was grateful I wasn’t part of that drama.

I knocked on the door, and Fiona answered. She immediately joined me on the porch, closing the door behind her. Then she pulled me to the side of the porch where a swing hung. “I’ve been wanting to show you the video.”

I sat next to her. “I wasn’t sure if you’d gotten it since I didn’t hear back from you.”

“The video was too long to go through over text.” She kept her attention on her phone.

“Let’s see it,” I said to cover the tightness in my throat.

She moved closer, her head almost touching mine while she hit Play. It started the moment Izzy ran into the room and turned in a circle in the middle of the room. “There’re lights.”

Fiona touched my thigh and squeezed. “She loved the lights.”

I sucked in a breath. The warmth of her palm seeped through my jeans, and electricity shot through me. I shifted on the seat, wondering if she noticed what she was doing. If she moved her hand any further, she’d be dangerously close to my dick.

Fiona glanced up at me. “Did you see that? It’s so cute how kids believe in magic.”

I forced myself to focus on the video and not her hand that rested on my thigh. “Have you thought about having kids?”

Her face screwed up. “I don’t have time for kids with my job. I’ll be the best auntie. I know I haven’t been in the past, and I rarely see Ryder’s daughter—”

“We can always make changes to our lives. You should do what makes you happy.”

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