Page 102 of Cross My Heart

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“We didn’t want to wait too long. Izzy wants a sister or a brother.” Daphne exchanged a loving look with Cole.

“You make me want to take the next step,” I admitted.

“We have to get married first,” Aiden said from my side. Then he shook Cole’s hand. “Congratulations. We’re happy for you.”

We moved aside for the rest of the family to congratulate the happy couple. Then Jameson arrived. His hair was damp, so he must have had time to shower after his shift at the firehouse.

He searched the room, then walked over to me. “I made it.”

“Would you like something to drink?”

He waved a hand at me. “Just water.”

“Hard night?” Aiden asked him.

“You could say that. We had a call for a fire. Everyone got out.” Jameson didn’t add any details but I could tell that it had shaken him.

“You need to distance yourself from the worst calls so you can keep doing your job,” Teddy said.

Jameson ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t do that. Not easily.”

My heart swelled because Jameson felt so much. Way more than anyone gave him credit for. He wasn’t just a good time guy. “It’s hard not to get involved.”

“I meet with the homeowners afterward to ensure they have working fire alarms and fire extinguishers, make sure they know how to use them. I prefer the teaching side.”

“You think any more about getting a teaching degree?” I asked him.

Jameson gave me a look, then thanked Aiden for the glass of water. “I’m fine doing what I am.”

Not for the first time, I wondered if he was a firefighter due to some pressure from our family when his natural talents rested somewhere else.

Cole and Daphne joined us. “You missed the big announcement. We’re pregnant.”

Something passed over Jameson’s face before he grinned his usual charming smile. “I can’t wait to be the favorite uncle of another niece or nephew. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.”

Daphne laughed. “You’re impossible.”

“But you love me, and this one will too.” Jameson lightly touched her stomach.

The jukebox had been playing all night, and a few people had started dancing in the middle of the room.

Aiden wrapped his arms around me. “I need you to myself for a few minutes.”

“I’m on board with that,” I said as he led me to the dance floor.

When he pulled me into his arms, he asked, “Are you upset that Daphne’s pregnant?”

I frowned. “Not at all. I’m happy for them. I know they want Izzy to be close to any children they have.”

“Then what is it?” Aiden held me tighter when the music slowed.

I sighed. “I’m worried about Jameson. I don’t think he’s happy as a firefighter.”

“He’s not your responsibility.”

I sighed. “He has such a huge heart. I want him to be happy too.”

“It seems like he’s doing okay from where I’m standing.”

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