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“You’re so fucking moody,” she muttered through the short silence.

“I’m moody?” I shouldn’t have even entertained the accusation. She knew full well I was in no position to discuss, and she was just provoking me to get an answer. Obviously, it worked. “You’ve gone through fourteen emotions in the last ten hours, and we spent eight of them sleeping.”

“I’m emotional. I have a full range of emotions.” She moved her hands in giant circles. “You just have different variants of a shitty mood. That makes you moody, Jonah.”

“Pray tell, Kai, what does that have to do with the issue at hand?”

“Pray tell,” she mocked with a snooty accent that wasn’t even mine. “Pray tell. I’m Jonah and I speak like an asshole and avoid facing my feelings.”

“I’m Kai,” I said with my best squeaky voice. “I bicker with Jonah just to keep the conversation going because he’s not giving me all his attention for once in his life.”

She snarled and swung out of her seat, her forehead red and bloated with anger.


A few anxious moments passed as her footsteps disappeared and, shortly after, returned behind me. I shoved a finger into my mouth to bite on my nail and slapped a palm over my chest to calm my heart, listening as her stomps neared the front door.

No, no, no. Please don’t go.

The door opened and slammed shut. She left.

My body absolutely throbbed as I found myself excruciatingly alone. I didn’t want her to leave me. Not even for the day. Not even for a few hours. I remained trapped in my frustrated vessel, freezing cold and so very solus.

Chapter 29


I was the last to arrive at the gym today. Frankly, I hadn’t even planned on going. I’d planned on having a nice, mature conversation with my idiot best friend that would’ve hopefully, eventually, ended with us fucking. Then, after that, we were going to fuck again, and then… I don’t know. Fuck, probably.

Mission not accomplished.

He obviously didn’t have to fuck me if he didn’t want to. I’d come to terms with that. Kind of. But, god, he could’ve at least talked to me about what happened. His coldness was unbelievable.

No, actually. It wasn’t. Jonah was like that.

My body raged with a number of different emotions that, when combined, created a very dangerous concoction.

“Pull day!” Aaron said with a smile as I approached the warm-up area. “What are we starting with?”

I glared at him, and he caught my expression. I didn’t want to speak to anybody, yet I didn’t want to be alone. I just wanted to be angry, and I wanted to scream and claw and rip, but that wasn’t an option, so I’d settle for tearing my muscles to shreds. “Let’s deadlift.” I didn’t give a shit what exercise we did, I just wanted it to hurt. I wanted it to absolutely knock me out from exhaustion, and I wanted to listen to the nastiest, heaviest music while I did it.

“Uh oh.” Briggs pulled the corners of his mouth down and shot a look at Aaron.

I registered their silent interaction before dragging my vision away. Crouching down, I pulled my things from my stupid fucking gym bag that smelled like the bottom of Jonah’s stupid fucking hamper when he accidentally left it a few days too long.

“What’s goin’ on, KK?” Aaron sang. The shadow in front of me, and the unmistakable looming energy, informed me that the giant fucker had approached me from behind as I hunched over my things. I ignored that sensation and continued to rip gear from my bag, rejecting all questions.

“Leave her, dude,” I thought I heard Briggs say.

We warmed up together, though I kept my headphones on, ensuring the music was loud enough to clear every other thought from my head. It was just enough to keep my mind at bay while it was playing, but the second they came off, reality hit.

I’d just put down my most recent set. Aaron had reached his hands around my head and pulled my headphones off. I didn’t even know how long we’d been rotating for, but all three of us stood around the platform, pulling deadlifts.

“Kai.” Briggs’ voice echoed around me. It took me a moment to tune into it. “You just hit a PR.”

I blinked slowly, clearing the thoughts of Jonah from my head. I hadn’t noticed the new personal record, but it was nice of Briggs to. Any other day, I would’ve celebrated with the guys and posted some annoying, ironic video on my story for laughs. But I didn’t give a shit today. Not one.

I was suddenly pulled from thought as the ceiling slid above me and my ass hit the platform. What the fuck? Pain bloomed in my tailbone, reaching from my heels to my head.

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