Page 101 of That Bubbling Feeling

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“I will not!”


“Because…” He raked his hands through his hair from front to back, yanking on the short strands before finally letting go. “Because if we’re going to continue to be friends, I need you to believe that I could get over this, Kai, but I can’t. I cannot fuck you because I will never let you go. I will want to keep you, and I cannot. I’ve tried for years to work through that possession, and I can’t. I just can’t. I won’t. So, please, fucking carry on with your life. Do not get trapped here with me.”

I beat my fists down at my sides. “I want to be kept!”

The energy melted from his face in an instant. “What?”

“I want to be kept forever. I want you to be mine. I want people to check you out on the street so I can hold your hand and make sure they know in the most insane and possessive way. I want you to love me the way I love you and I want you to finally fucking accept me!” I huffed and placed my hands on my hips, walking around myself in a frustrated circle.

“Did you just say you love me?”

I pinned him with a look. “No, Jonah. I’m furious with you because I don’t care. God, you think you’d fucking know me by now—”

“What do you love about me?” he asked quietly.

“Right now? Nothing.”

He didn’t answer. He just stared at me with angled brows and wide eyes. The asshole was serious.

I did not bring my tone down. “Fine. Fucking fine! You’re the smartest fucking person I know and you somehow manage to be the most inspired loser I’ve ever fucking met! You’re obscenely talented, you’re incredibly loyal, you’re unique and genuine to yourself and you always have been! You’re so attractive, and become increasingly so each day, to the point that it honestly makes me want to shit myself. You’re well-spoken, you’re respectful, you’re sensible and incredibly thoughtful. When you want to be, of course. Do I have to keep going or can I please continue to be mad at you?”

He stepped toward me with one wary hand slightly lifted in the air. His movements sent a chilled air about the room. “Kai, think about what you’re saying. Please. If we cross that line, you are mine forever, and I will not take no for an answer. I am so fucking serious. I value your will and choice practically more than my own, but selfishly I am putting my foot down. Do you understand?”

“Why?” I asked rudely. He cocked his head. “Why do you even love me, Jonah? Because I’m the only girl who’s ever talked to you? Because you convinced yourself you liked me when you were thirteen and never let go of it? Am I just going to date you until the fantasy wears off for you?”

“How could you say such a thing?” He held a hand to his stomach like someone had just shot an arrow through it. “Everything I like about myself has been supported, or created, or enhanced by you. You are my home, my excitement, my goddamn happiness.”

“Your hap—”

“And before you tell me my happiness can’t only depend on you, I will tell you that’s not what I mean. You helped me find it, helped me foster it, and because of you, I have it. That is what I mean. My appreciation for you runs so deep. I’ve gotten this far, and I’m good, but I’m delicate. That’s why I’m trying to be careful with this. Now tell me, Kai, please, that I am finally enough for forever.”

I scrunched my face, crushing the air in front of me with frustrated fingers. “You were always enough for forever, you dick! I—”

In an instant, Jonah took my body and slammed it against the wall. A strong hand came down on my mouth, pinning my lips and ending my sentence early. “Enough.” His other set of fingers remained on my waist, pushing me against the wall as he rolled my head to the side and whispered softly in my ear, “You’re mine.”

His words send a shock down my spine, his voice rumbling through my veins. I wanted to listen to him speak forever.

He lifted me and propped my legs around his hips, pressing me into the wall. His tongue landed on my bare chest, dragging, drawing one long line up the front of my neck and under my chin. The pathetic whimper that escaped me hardly did a good job of helping me maintain my vicious composure.

“I’m still mad at you,” I gritted through my teeth.

“Mmm.” He moaned lazily as he kissed my neck, leaving wet tongue trails where he could. “I know, I’m the worst. But I’m yours.”

I was quickly giving in to the feel of him as he worked my skin, each second becoming even more unbearably euphoric than the last. Speaking back to him was no longer an option.

“I’m sorry,” he said as he kissed my cheek, then my jaw, then my neck. “I know you wanted to talk about it, and I wouldn’t. I hardly gave you a reason, and that was my fault. I couldn’t talk to you about it without explaining how much I love you, and I didn’t believe you felt the same.” He placed his nose in front of mine, coming so close to kissing me, but instead, he sucked in through his teeth and groaned as if it were painful. “I didn’t want you to tire of me. I didn’t want our relationship to become complicated. I didn’t want to have to watch you walk away from me, wishing I’d never ruined us in the first place. I would not accept you knowing that that was a possibility.”

He released me, and I was placed back on wobbly legs, his arms holding me still as I caught my bearings. He lowered himself in front of me on both knees and took my hands in his. A kiss fell to both sets of my fingers, my palms, my wrists, before he placed my hands around his jaw and looked up at me with a confident but genuine tinge to his expression.

“I’m sorry,” he repeated. His touch drew up the sides of my torso. He planted soft kisses along my waist, murmuring to me. “You are everything to me, my beautiful girl, absolutely everything. I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

I stared down at him. It was as if thousands of words and promises gushed out of him after years of being barricaded in that mind of his. “This is the most talkative I’ve seen you in a decade, Jo. Are you drunk?”

“Only a little,” he said with a grin.

How was I supposed to stay mad?

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