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Any time I heard them from now on, it was going to be bittersweet. I considered telling him to turn it off or turn it down, but instead I looked out the window as a light rain started to fall. It landed on the glass, sparkling like diamonds in the lights of the shops and streetlights we drove past. Beautiful, but the rain suited my mood. Right up until I had to get out and run through the downpour to the front door of my building.

By the time I stepped inside, I was drenched through, my dress clinging to me, my hair a swampy knot. My feet squelched in my heels.

Of course the night would end like this. If Gabe was here, we'd be laughing, wet through together. Since he wasn't, I slipped off my shoes and tried not to drip on the floor all the way up to my apartment. It felt as though I was doing a walk of shame, but I had nothing to be ashamed of.

So why did I feel so fucking bad?



No one seemed to have seen Lexie leave, but half an hour after she went to the ladies’ room, it was apparent she was no longer at the party.

My first instinct was to be angry. Why would she leave without saying goodbye? Was my mother right about her? Had I done something wrong? It wouldn't be the first time, but I would have hoped she'd come to me and tell me. Maybe she got overwhelmed by the party. I knew that feeling all too well. All of these people, so many fake, were not my idea of fun. I should have taken her somewhere quiet, or not returned to the party after I got her off in that office. I should have been more attentive to her and less concerned about pissing off my mother.

I couldn't dismiss the idea my mother somehow got to her and made her leave. That was exactly the kind of thing my mother would do.

I forced aside my irritation at my mother, and my frustration at Lexie slipping out, and thought rationally for a few moments.

I was certain Lexie wouldn't have left without good reason. What the fuck the reason was, I could only guess, but I wasn't letting her go without finding out what was going on.

I called the limousine driver to find out he'd just dropped her off at her place. Without saying my own goodbyes, I hurried out to the street to wait for him to return and pick me up.

I could have ordered a rideshare or a taxi, but I opted to lean against the outside of the building and compose my thoughts. If I went roaring off to her place, I could ruin everything completely. If I ever needed to be cool, calm, rational Gabriel Ellison, it was right now. I couldn't let the things my mother said get to me. I’d deal with one thing at a time and the most important right now was Lexie.

The rain was heavy by the time the limousine pulled up in front of the record label building. I all but threw myself inside to keep from getting saturated.

"Problem between you and the boss?" the driver asked. "She seemed kinda upset. I didn't want to leave her at her place alone, but I know how stubborn she gets. She would have told me to get lost."

I smiled faintly. "That sounds like her. I think something happened, but I'm not sure what. Whatever it is, I'm going to find out and make it better."

"I hope so, because I'd hate to get fired for taking you there," he said.

"Lexie is not the kind of person who'd fire you for that," I said. Unlike my mother.

I pushed the thoughts of her aside and leaned back against the seat. I tapped my hand against my thigh impatiently as we wound through the quiet city streets to Lexie's building.

The driver pulled up at the curb and twisted around to look at me. "I've known Lexie for a few years now. She's a good person. If you mess her around, you'll have a few of us to answer to."

I smiled my appreciation at his declaration of loyalty. It didn't surprise me people felt that way about her.

"She's a very good person, and I'm going to make sure she knows it," I said. "If I do anything to hurt her, I'll stand still and take whatever you dish out."

He nodded, satisfied. "I'll remember you said that. Good night, sir."

I nodded and got out of the vehicle. I closed the door behind me, running across the footpath and into the building. Not fast enough to avoid the downpour, but I didn't give a shit. Lexie was worth getting drenched for.

I took the elevator up to her floor and tapped on the door. After a minute or two, it was opened by a woman who wasn't Lexie.

"Hello there." She looked me up and down. "You must be Gabe. I don't think Lexie wants to see you right now."

"I need to see her." I'd let my mother walk over me for long enough, I wasn't going to let Lexie's housemate do the same. "I suggest you step aside."

She gave a half shrug and did as I asked. "Okay, but if she kicks you in the nuts, don't blame me. Her room is through there." She gestured.

I nodded and hurried over to tap on the door. I heard the sound of the shower going inside, so I pushed it open and stepped inside.


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