Page 19 of Thawing the CEO

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Emma started trying to wiggle out of the compromising position they were in, but it was difficult given how closely together they were entwined. She realized that their legs were entangled as well and trying to get out was like trying to solve a complicated puzzle where the pieces might wake up and have start having a meltdown at any moment.

She was sure that Vivian would freak out if she woke up in this position. She was so strict about her boundaries…

Vivian’s arms tightened in her sleep as Emma tried to ease out of them. Well, that was just great. Couldn’t Vivian work with her here, just a little? Clearly, she was much less reserved asleep than she was when awake.

Emma tried to duck under the circle of Vivian’s arms, but it was one movement too many.

Vivian yawned and opened her eyes.

She looked straight at Emma for several moments before Emma saw it click in her eyes.

Vivian quickly pulled back, her face going bright red. “I’m so sorry, Emma! I—”

“It’s not just on you, Vivian. I also promised to keep to my side of the bed, and I clearly failed at it too. Let’s not make a big deal of this?”

“I’ll sleep on the floor tonight,” Vivian promised.

“We can take turns,” Emma offered. “You do tonight. I’ll do tomorrow.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Emma was sure that she was quite as red as Vivian as the two of them got dressed, bumping awkwardly against each other in the bathroom as they moved past each other to get to the basin.

Emma got changed in the bathroom while Vivian dressed in the main room. It was easier like that, especially given how they had woken up. No need to make things any weirder than they already were right now.

Neither of them spoke for a few minutes as they made their way to the elevator. Vivian eventually brought up their upcoming meeting, and Emma seized on the subject gladly. They were meeting with a big potential investor, who was somewhat reclusive, thus the need to go and meet him in his home.

Vivian didn’t generally do house calls, but if she could get Dr. Bradson as a client, it would be worth all the hassle.

The subject of work carried them all throughout the taxi ride to Dr. Bradson’s house, and Emma could almost forget the awkwardness from earlier.

Dr. Bradson’s butler welcomed them into his mansion, escorting them to an elaborate lounge decorated with orange and purple satin drapes that clashed spectacularly.

“Ah, welcome.” Dr. Bradson bowed to them but didn’t shake either of their hands. “I have some tea for you—my own blend. You will like it, I think.”

“Thank you, Doctor Bradson.”

“Please, call me Elijah. Now, sit, sit!”

Vivian and Emma sat down and took their tea. Vivian took a sip, and it was only the self-control learned in meetings such as this that prevented her from spitting it right back out. Vivian could see Emma struggling not to gag out of the corner of her eye. Vivian cast an eye down at the tea. It looked inoffensive—slightly brownish water, steaming a little. It tasted like a mixture between sour milk and rotten eggs.

“Delicious, hm? My own blend. It’ll take the toxins right out of your body.”

“Delicious,” Vivian agreed weakly.

Emma set her tea down, looking like she was about to throw up. “I’m actually not a tea person, but I was grateful to be able to try your own recipe.”

“Aha, aha, your wife is smarter than you, I think.

Vivian choked on her sip of tea, but Elijah wasn’t done talking.

“You think I don’t see you don’t like my tea? Smart woman. Honest. I like that.”

“Emma… Emma’s not my wife,” she gasped as soon as she had her breath back.

“Not yet, hm? Do you have a date? I can bring flowers for you—my own breed, from my garden.”

Vivian spluttered incoherent denials, but Emma cut smoothly across her.

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