Page 18 of Thawing the CEO

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“That’s entirely unacceptable! I know that this is your busy season, which is why I booked three months in advance. We’re not going to be able to find rooms anywhere else!”

Vivian looked ready to bite the unfortunate receptionist’s head off. Emma knew that in a few minutes, Vivian would calm down and act more rationally, but her anger was understandable. Emma was pissed too, but she had an easier time containing it. Raising a child taught you tolerance or killed you.

“Vivian, it’s fine,” Emma murmured, seeking to hasten the calming down process. “I don’t mind sharing.”

Vivian closed her eyes for a moment before nodding. “Alright. And you—I expect a discount.”

“You’ll have it, ma’am.”

Vivian gave the receptionist one last glowering look before grabbing her suitcase from the porter and wheeling it through the sparking lobby, muttering under her breath about incompetence.

When they got to the room, Emma gulped. Of course, the room had only one bed. She’d only ever been in hotel rooms with two beds, but that was because she booked family rooms for herself and Lily. Vivian had no reason to book a room with two beds when she was booking two rooms.

Vivian narrowed her eyes at the bed, as though it had personally offended her. “I’ll take the floor.”

“That’s not necessary, Vivian. The bed is big enough; I’m sure we can both keep to our sides.”

Vivian flushed. “I’m not sure if that’s the best idea.”

“Do you realize how uncomfortable it is to sleep on the floor?”

“I suppose you have a point. But you don’t need to do this just because I’m your boss. I wouldn’t mind—”

“I know, Vivian. This isn’t to impress you as my boss. This is because I don’t want my friend having to sleep on a hard, wooden floor and then be distracted by a sore neck the whole day tomorrow when she’s meant to be concentrating.”

Vivian stared at her for a few moments, as though lost in thought. “Okay, then. Do you want the shower first?”

It was late and they were both tired from the flight. “That’s okay, you take it. I’ve got some emails to respond to.”

“You work too hard, Emma.”

“Well, that’s the pot calling the kettle black.”


Emma tried her best not to look when Vivian came out of the bathroom, wrapped only in a towel. She really did try, but she failed spectacularly. Vivian looked so beautiful, fresh and flushed from her shower. Emma’s gaze ran over her collarbone and down… She looked so kissable that Emma had to turn her eyes away before she lost control completely and gave in to the urge.

She fled into the bathroom before she could do something she’d regret. Emma got changed into her pajamas in the bathroom before going back to the main room, where Vivian was already in bed. She tried her best to ignore her nerves as she slipped under the covers, lying as close to the edge as possible.

“Goodnight, Vivian.”

“Goodnight, Emma.”

Vivian turned off the lights and went quiet. It had been a tiring day, and it wasn’t long before Emma fell into a deep sleep. Her last reassuring thought was that the bed really was huge. She was sure she and Vivian were able to stick to their sides.

Emma and Vivian could not, in fact, stick to their sides.

Emma woke up warmer and more comfortable than she could remember being in a long time. Her warm pillow gently rose and fell to the pleasant thumping sound from beneath it.


Emma’s eyes flew open and she stiffened in horror. She was sleeping with her head on Vivian’s chest. Not only that, but Vivian’s arms were wrapped around her.


This was a bad idea. She should have let Vivian sleep on the floor or volunteered to do so herself. This was going to make things awkward as fuck.

Her best shot was to try to extract herself before Vivian woke up. If she could manage that, Vivian would never need to know that this had happened. It would all be fine.

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