Page 44 of You Could Do Better

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“I meant what I said, before,” Joq said with forced composure—Chris could see the hurt behind the words Joq was clearly trying to conceal. “You really could do better. You don’t know me, I went through something, did something,” he flicked his eyes up, something broken in the look, “and I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it.”

“I’m far from perfect,” Chris said.

Joq shook his head, all vulnerability evaporating. “Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Consider me warned, is that a yes?” Chris rushed out.

“It’s a,” Joq looked around, “let’s see where this goes.”


Where it went, Joq thought a few weeks later, was back to his place where they fucked on his couch like the world was ending and continued to fuck in the same manner at every available opportunity.

He didn’t hate it, he thought with amusement when Chris found him in his kitchen after one particular night of marathon fucking, leaned back into the feel of those lips tracing a path down his nape, the warm hands on his bare torso caressing him gently.

“Yeah?” Chris asked against his ear.

After, as they sat on the kitchen floor and caught their breaths, Joq thought Chris always looked at him afterwards like he was afraid, like he was waiting for something.

“Why do you do that?” he asked between breaths.

“What?” Chris panted and ran a hand up Joq’s bare thigh.

“Look at me like that?”

Chris stopped moving his hand and glanced away.

“Because I like you,” Chris replied and Joq knew they both knew he’d understood the question and evaded.

“I’m not going to bail again,” Joq said anyway. “I’d talk to you.”

“Yeah,” Chris swallowed and stood. “I know.”

He reached down for Joq and took his hand, yanked him to his feet.

“Breakfast?” he asked after he kissed him.

“Yeah,” Joq replied and pulled away to shower and get ready.

Chris let him go, and Joq decided to let him keep his secrets. He had secrets of his own.

Joq woke up with a searing pain in one of his wisdom teeth. He was sitting up, rubbing his jaw when he felt Chris roll over and run a hand up and down his back.

“You okay?” Chris mumbled into the predawn light.

“Mm, don’t know,” Joq said and worked his jaw—the throbbing was down in the root.

Chris sat up behind him. “What is it?”

“Tooth,” Joq replied and leaned into his touch. He realised he didn’t have a dentist anymore. Well, he did, but she’d been on George’s health insurance, which Joq had been on, and not only was he no longer on that plan, he didn’t want to go anywhere near something he’d shared with George.

Just thinking about him while he sat up in Chris’ bed pissed him off.

“You need to go to emergency?” Chris asked sounding a lot more awake.

“Uh, uh,” Joq shook his head. It’d keep for a few hours. He did need to find a dentist though. He reclined back and reached for his phone.

Chris moved with him, propped his head in his hand and ran his other hand up and down Joq’s torso while Joq googled dentists near the CBD.

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