Page 42 of You Could Do Better

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“You so are,” Joq said around a laugh and Chris relaxed.

“So, want to get dinner with me?” he asked after a while.

“Hmm,” Joq said. “Maybe coffee. Don’t send anymore shit.”

“Coffee would be perfect. Usual place? I can be there in thirty minutes.”

“I can’t,” Joq replied. “Tomorrow, nine.”

Chris had a meeting at eight, but he’d wrap it up quickly. How much more could they possibly re-tweak the brand? He still didn’t understand why they were already re-branding, but according to the ‘experts’ they needed to get it right in the early stages so it’d stick long term. He’d already moved on to the next idea, he just wanted to get it done.

“See you then,” he replied with a grin.

“Alright, well get off the phone, I need to deal with this maniac.”

“Oh, before you go, what’s her name?”

“The cat?”

“Yes, the cat.”

“Delia. She came with the name.”

Chris smiled. “From ancient Greece, the island where Artemis and Apollo were born.” That classic education was finally coming in handy.

“Or the character from The Young & the Restless,” Joq retorted and Chris laughed.

“See you tomorrow,” Joq said.

“Can’t wait.”

“Bye Chris.”

“Later, Joq.”

Chris hung up feeling good. Gifts. Gifts were the key. Screw the truth. It probably wasn’t going to matter.

Chris watched Joq walk into the café, his eyes scanning the people lining up for the barista, and Chris had to take a beat to swallow, steady his pounding heart, and clear his throat so he could call him over.

“Joaquin,” he said as he stood from where he’d commandeered them a table on the farthest edge of the open space dotted with canvas umbrellas crammed between the laneway and another café.

Joq heard him over the bustle of noise, met his eyes and smiled. It was a small thing, but it was real and it made the butterflies in Chris’ stomach ramp up into overdrive. He really wondered how in the hell people ever dated if it always felt like this.

“Hey,” Joq said once he was close enough, his blonde hair falling in wisps in front of his eyes before he pushed it back with a casual hand, still smiling.

“I ordered,” Chris said and indicated the table where two coffees sat steaming. “Thanks for coming.”

“I wanted to avoid further cat toys taking over my apartment, thought I better,” he replied, but he was still smiling, and Chris took it as a win.

“Sorry, she likes it though?” he asked as they both sat.

“She doesn’t like anything,” Joq replied as he took a seat.

“Maybe you need a pet psychologist.”

“They have those?”

“I honestly don’t know,” Chris responded a little breathless; he couldn’t quite believe Joq was here. He didn’t even care what they were talking about. “Probably?”

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