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How could he think I only needed the money and estate of my parents for selfish gain?

“How can you think so lowly of me, Damien? My parents’ estate is beyond my desires or interests. That’s my parents’ legacy, their heritage, that we are discussing here. To think that I thought you would understand enough to let me go and even help me ask Jenny to approve my leave request.”

I try to control my rage, but my head is swimming with words waiting to be spilled one after the other.

“Now, here you are saying we can build a life here. Do you think I have no life in San Antonio? I came back to Los Angeles for a fresh start, but I still have family in San Antonio. I have lived my whole life in San Antonio. A house, friends, my brother, and Laurel. Everything I know is there, and you seem to be forgetting that. I came to Los Angeles seeking closure and shelter from the trials and terrors I faced in San Antonio. I came with plans to just settle down here till I feel better, at least. Even if I settled here, it will not be because I am enticed by the wealth you can give me while I abandon my parents’ estate.”

“Lea, I…” He tries to interrupt, but I am not having any of that.

“No, let me finish, Damien. How could you sound so insensitive? Despite you saying you want me to be happy, this doesn’t sound like it. You’re not considering what I want, but what you think I want. You are not listening to me, Damien. This is crazy because true love listens and is not selfish. But right now, you are being plain selfish.”

“I didn’t mean it that way, Lea. I’m sorry.”

“I’m done with this conversation, Damien. I need to go home now.”

I am grateful that I have packed my bags. I brush past him and run out of the office.

The tears I had been holding back find free flow.

How could love be so beautiful yet hurt so much?

Chapter Eighteen


“I’m done with this conversation, Damien. I need to go home now.” She picked up her bag, which she had already packed, and hurried past me to leave my presence as soon as possible.

I hear her footsteps running towards the elevator and her loud sobs as she clasped her mouth with her palms and the elevator door shut in front of her.

How did this conversation just go south in the twinkle of an eye? I hate arguments so much, especially ones that don’t yield any fruit but leave the participants more infuriated than they were before it even began.

I guess I was just being selfish with the words I said. For a split second right there, I forgot that both of us only reconnected barely a month ago.

Before that, we were in different parts of the world, hoping to see each other soon or hopefully meet someone else who could replicate the same or even a higher level of feelings than we had for each other.

How could I expect her to make that huge decision to move to Los Angeles when she has lived in San Antonio all her life except for her college years?

It was highly inconsiderate of me to think that my company, wealth, or even affection could replace her life outside LA. How did I expect her to give up everything for my sake? Where was the balance?

Her points were clearly valid, and I was desperate to entice her with things I thought made sense but absolutely did not.

Replaying the conversations in my head again leaves me in utter shock at how my words sounded to her. Again, I had spoken words out before running them through my thoughts, just like when I called her out as my fiancée at the orientation for new recruits.

Thinking about it now, time flies by so fast. How was it almost a month since the ‘engagement’ saga? Everyone in the office had somehow adjusted to the news and let her be. It would be great if it was true.

If I keep sitting in this office and counting my losses, I will miss out on any chance to make it true. I picked myself up from the chair I didn’t even realize I had slumped onto.

I picked up my phone and headed to my car.

The speed at which I am currently driving must be shocking to my car, but it needs to comprehend the urgency of the moment and the potential to fly, if achievable.

I arrive at her driveway, and thankfully, I see her lights are still turned on. This time, I was prepared to stand knocking on her door till she got tired of ignoring me and opened the door.

I tried to reach Kelvin over the phone, but the call kept going to voicemail. I leave him a message to call me back as soon as he can.

He was the only one who knew both of us through and through and was in the best position to help us iron things out.

I step out of my car and proceed to her door to knock until I get a response. The journey begins as I knock for seconds on end.

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