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I walk past him with my right palm on my head to feign that I have a headache. It wasn’t my head that hurt, but my heart.

I decided to go back to the office and get no lunch. No food will pass through with him in this room, gazing upon me like he could read letters on my body.

The refrigerator has several layers of drinks, juices, and water.

A bottle of juice and water should quench my thirst that wasn’t for any of these liquids, but for him.


Chapter Sixteen


One week, two weeks, three weeks.

Lea has avoided me for almost three whole weeks.

Since our last encounter at the cafeteria, I noticed the distance in her eyes. She didn’t have to say too many words. Her actions were loud enough.

I got caught up in the euphoria of our last date and thought we were on the same page with our feelings for each other.

She barely speaks to me these days.

In the mornings, she leaves early enough for me not to have a chance to offer her a ride.

She always turned off her lights at night before I got back, showing she didn’t want anyone to visit her.

Even when I attempted to knock on her door a few times, there was no answer.

At work, she only spoke to me about work-related issues.

“Here are some documents you need to sign.”

“You have a meeting scheduled for 10:00 am.”

“This client says he wants you to supervise directly.”

“I have emailed the presentation to you.”

Single-line, emotionless conversations were what we had these days.

It is evident that she is on a mission to shut me out, but I cannot figure out why. The last date went so well and ended on a great note, even after the surprise call with my parents.

That night, I slept better than I ever had in my life. Music filled my room, mixed with her laughter in my ears.

I went home to celebrate that the love of my life had acknowledged my feelings. The kiss we shared was different from earlier ones. Although we were not an official item yet, it was a good step in our hearts’ direction, or so I guessed.

What could have gone wrong? To turn such a blissful night into a heart-wrenching three weeks of distance.

Whenever I asked her what was wrong, she would shrug and dismiss my concerns like they didn’t matter to her.

A knock on my door interrupts my intrinsic thoughts. I permit the person to come in, and she walks in.The secret door connecting both offices has not been used in the past weeks. She would use the front door whenever she needed to get something to me. It was as if she was sending an apparent message to everyone who cared to notice that our relationship was plainly platonic and nothing more.

This phase was difficult, not just for me but for her. I could see her struggle to avoid my gaze whenever she spoke to me.

The pain in her eyes was evidence that she was hurting too, but why wouldn’t she open up and let me in on her thoughts?

“Good morning, Damien.”

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