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As I was thinking of leaving through the door I came in from, someone unexpectedly walked in.

Chapter Eleven


Damien must have psychic powers to read my mind and know how hungry I was feeling.

I did not want to go down for lunch with others because I dreaded the judging eyes staring at me at the cafeteria. The plan was to go down alone when others must have returned to their offices.

How long would I continue this act? Hiding from my co-workers so that I do not get judged for something that isn’t even true.

If it was, maybe it would have been more bearable. But this was something I could not handle right now.

Slowly, my mind drifts back to Damien, who is telling me about this Italian client he met today. He goes on about how excited he is about this job, the fact that it is a total makeover of the building, and the joys of working with him.

I share in his happiness even though my mind still drifts to the beating sounds of my chest. Why does my heart race whenever I am around or think about him?

Hopefully, it was not loud enough for him to hear as he drew closer to see a part of the new documents I showed him.

One thing was set in stone from the few hours spent working here: there was an order of things, and they were done with excellence. From the structure of the building, the efficiency of the staff, the equipment used in the offices, the letterhead, and even as little as the water dispenser in every office.

Everything was done with a standard of excellence, and I am glad I got the job here.

We finish eating lunch and start going over documents. He reminds me about our bowling date. I’m not sure I could call it a date, seeing that we are just friends, and he just wants to take my mind off my tumultuous emotions from yesterday’s conversation.

“Alright then. We have a plan. See you at seven,” He says with his hand on my desk as he towers over me.

Our heads turn to the entrance, where we hear the clicking heels of someone walking into my office.

Jenny casually walks in but stops in her tracks as she notices our awkward position.

“I’m so sorry. I can come back later,” she says with horror in her eyes and turns 180 degrees to be right on her way out.

“It’s alright. I was about to leave anyway. See you later tonight, babe.”

He kisses my forehead, and I make a mental note to avoid washing that part of my face when I take a shower. I need that mark to rest there forever.

“See you later, babe.”

To make it look real, I had to force the words out of my mouth without stuttering. Jenny had laser eyes and looked as if she could see through the facade we were putting up.

“Hi, Jenny. How can I help you?”

“You both look so in love. It’s beautiful to watch, Lea. I’m happy for you two,” she says in between her giddy squeals that make her sound like a high school girl.

She shocks me with her words and I’m surprised that she feels emotions with how stuck up she always looks. People truly had multidimensional personalities, and Jenny was certainly one of them.

Also, for Jenny to notice, that meant that we were putting up a good act as she seemed to always read in between the lies and figure things out.

She goes on and on about how lucky I am to be with Damien and shares how she and her boyfriend have been talking about marriage recently.

Again, another shocker. One would have guessed she had the hots for Damien and would have been wrong. She spoke about her boyfriend with a glint of pride in her eyes.

Suddenly, her mind switches on like a light, causing her to jerk towards my table and open the file in her hand.

“Samantha’s water broke while we were out grabbing lunch, and she asked me to give this to you for your perusal.”

“Oh my. Did they rush her to the hospital? Which hospital is she in? Is she okay? Is the baby okay?”

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