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“True, Hades is a definite contender,” whispered Artemis in a hushed tone. “Now there’s a god who knows how to stir up trouble in a way that puts even Hermes to shame. He has dark hair that curls at the ends, tanned skin, and is huge. I mean he is even larger than Ares. Which is saying something.”

Arista makes a noise signaling that she agrees with the Moon Goddess but adds no more to the conversation.

“Of course, then there are his eyes,” she murmured softly to me.

“What about his eyes?” I ask. The curiosity was practically oozing from me as I hung on to each descriptor of the god that I bargained with.

No, as much as I tried to avoid it, I kept imagining myself in another form pleading to cross the River Lethe. He, after all, is the god who gave me my violet eyes. There was so much I wanted to know about the mysterious man, but I knew this was not the time for me to get answers on that score.

“They’re violet.” Looking up, Artemis eyed me. I can feel the shock written on my face. Checking in to see how I take the information before continuing on, “According to what my dad used to say about his older brother, the realm of the dead doesn’t leave people easily. It leaves an impact on those in its grasp. For Hades, it left a visible impact. His purple eyes.”

“Kind of like how the River of Lethe made my eyes violet?” I clarify. “Even the gods can’t escape the magic of the Underworld?”

She nods. “It’s the same kind of magic. But with him, Hades can leave with his memories and his powers.”

That sounds great and all but also sounds too good to be true… Even for a god. “What’s the cost of magic like that?”

Magic always has a cost.

Just like how I was able to have a second chance at life. There was a price that was paid.

“Who knows.” The Moon Goddess shrugs. “Hades is kind of an outsider amongst the gods. He keeps to his own court, and no one bothers him while he is there.”

Nodding, I ask, “Have you been to his court?”

Artemis says as she shakes her head, “Never. Apollo was there once but… let’s say that he was preoccupied.”

“With what?”

Pressing her lips tightly, she fidgets. “Just forget about it.”

“Oh come on!” I elbow her lightly. “You can’t tease me with information like that. Now out with it.” I shouldn’t be so caught up with conjuring an image of Hades. Right now, I need to focus on finding dad. Not obsessing over a strange man that I don’t even know.

“Just drop it,” Artemis grits her teeth frantically. “I shouldn’t have told you that my brother has been to Erebus.”

“That Apollo has been to Hades’s Court? Why does that matter?” Pressing, I continue to ask. Trying to show her that I’m not going to drop it. “I suppose that I could ask Apollo about his trip—”

“No!” Her eyes go wide before letting out a loud groan. “Fine, I’ll tell you. You see, Apollo used to be engaged to this goddess. But before they were officially married… Hades stole her. Right out from under Apollo in his own court. By the time that Apollo was able to enter the Underworld, it was too late. The goddess had vanished. To this day, my twin believes that she was bound to the darkest depths of Tartarus to spite Apollo and the maiden’s mother.”

I see why that would be a sore subject for Apollo. Even more confused, I question, “But why would he do something like that?”

Artemis sighs loudly. “Good question. It has been a puzzle for nearly a century. But I have my theories.” Her voice darkens as it trails off.


“Yes.” She speculates, “Everyone loved Persephone. Including my brother. With her bright smile and witty banter, she had this way of winning over the stoniest of hearts. At Apollo and Persephone’s engagement party, Hades met her and I would bet my bow that the God of the Underworld fell for the flower goddess. Entranced by her gentle heart.” Biting on her lower lip, Artemis adds, “Hades knows our court. All he’d have to do would be wait around for an opportunity before whisking her away to the land of the dead.”

Mulling over her theory, I bit my lip. With each tidbit more I learn about Hades, the more fearful of him I become.

“Oh shoot.” Artemis stands up and looks at the sundial on my patio. “I need to get going. I’ll see you later. Don’t get into any trouble while I’m away.”

“Artemis, you know me.” I smile at her. “I don’t get in trouble.”


“Mmhmm.” My friend nods. “Your middle name could practically be trouble. Trust me, Athena won’t stop jabbering about the time you slipped into a bathtub?”

A blush races across my cheeks like wildfire.

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