Page 22 of The Brides Brother

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“I…,” I began, not exactly sure what I was going to say, but soon enough, and as the very heavy seconds passed between us, words formed.

“It’s her day, and I believe she has the right to spend it however she wants. Understand that?—”

“Get out,” he said, and the entire room came to a halt.

At first, I was sure that I was mistaken, that he hadn’t just said what he had, but then as I saw the anger in his eyes, I grew afraid.

He looked furious. So furious that I was truly terrified.

I wanted to argue, to shout back at him and hurl off some insults of my own as well because he had no right to talk to me that way, but the redder his eyes became, the more I understood that I

had hit a very, very sore nerve.

I expected him then to lunge for me and attack, and so without saying a single word, I went around the counter and began to head towards the foyer. I tried not to run, but the moment I got to the door, I couldn’t help it. I could feel the daggers from his eyes piercing into my back and at any point almost expected to feel actual pain from his attack. Eventually, I got out and shut the door behind me, but I couldn’t explain or understand what had just happened.

It took me a while to calm down. I walked slowly back to the lobby, and of course, there was no driver and car waiting to take me back to my apartment, so I had to hail down a taxi by myself.

All the way through, I went through a myriad of emotions. Sure, that was basically what I had been trying to achieve when I had brought up Aurora, but I could never have imagined he would act that way. This proved a point that he was a narcissist.

So, I was right. Yet as I rode home, his eyes never left my mind. I had a narcissistic father, and his reaction and eyes in that moment hadn’t exactly seemed as though he was one. Instead, it had seemed that more than anything, he was hurt, and I couldn’t understand why. Nothing made any sense anymore, and I was so filled with shame at how he had kicked me out that I didn’t want to care. However, later that night and just before I finally drifted off to sleep after chugging down half a bottle of wine, I truly wondered if there was more to his authoritative control over Aurora’s wedding.

And just like that, all of a sudden, rather than hate him so easily, I wanted to find out even more about him.

Chapter Thirteen


"I don’t understand this itinerary," Aurora said as she finally put down her fork for the first time that morning, caring enough about the events planned for her wedding.

"A week? An entire week?" she asked. Victoria immediately looked away from her glare, turning to me for help, but I was not in the mood to engage in any of this, so I returned my attention to my phone and continued working.

"Drake," Aurora called, but I ignored her.


"It's not a week because we want it to be exorbitant," my mom replied. "It's a week because?—"

Aurora cut her off. "Let me guess, it's some sort of business gathering."

My mom gazed at her exhaustedly, and then she finally nodded. "Yes, it's a business gathering."

"Ah, I'm spared once again, your royal highnesses," I forgot that this has absolutely nothing to do with me. My bad."

She flung the itinerary card aside.

"In fact, why do any of you even need me here? The way things are looking, I'm pretty sure you can have the wedding without me."

She rose to her feet, and without bothering to finish her breakfast, she stormed off the patio and returned to the house. I was very aware of the entire episode; however, I kept my gaze on my phone, acting for all the world as if I hadn't even heard a single thing. Even at Aurora's departure, I could now see everyone's eyes on me, as usual, looking for guidance and a conclusion.

I didn’t intend to say a word, but then I didn’t even have to because a few seconds later, Aurora returned still fuming.

“If this were reversed and this was Drake’s wedding, would you all disregard his wishes and treat him so blatantly disrespectfully in this way?”

I replied to this one without missing a beat.

“If this were my wedding, I would be more understanding and patient with my family and

understand their desire to use this avenue to strengthen their business ties and relationships.”

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