Page 97 of The Third Son

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“Sorry, I just went in for bloodwork,” she said with a smack to Tanner’s lips. “I didn’t know Doc was gonna do that. Swore him to secrecy. You can come with me next time.”

“I thought you were gonna go to the clinic in Jackson.”

“Changed my mind.” Getting off his lap, Arien nestled in between them. “I want to have the babies here at home if I can, that way you and Kellan can both stay with me.”

Something warm and wet snaked its way down his face. Hooking his arm around her neck, Kellan swiped at it.

“Three little ones runnin’ around the house.” Matthew chuckled, wiping drool from Benjamin’s chin.

Omne trium perfectum.

“Everything that comes in threes is perfect, right, Dad?”

He nodded, and gazing down at his infant son, the muscle played in his throat. “And once again, we’ve been favored.”

You ain’t kiddin’.

It wasn’t until many hours later, long after their dinner of prime rib had been eaten, that Kellan stopped glancing at his phone.

Jake appeared at the door. “Can you meet us over in town in an hour?”

He glanced behind him. Tanner slept, a piece of eggnog cake still in his hand. “Yeah.”

“Good.” He tipped his chin, squeezing his shoulder. “I’ll let him know.”

“What’d he find out?”

“Didn’t say.”

Didn’t or wouldn’t?

“I’m on my way to Emily’s. Takin’ her home. Just be at his office at ten.”

“Yeah, okay.” Kellan waved to his cousin sitting outside in Jake’s truck. “I’ll be there.”

And rubbing at the back of his neck, he quietly closed the door.

It was going on three in the morning when he slipped into bed beside her. Kellan held her from behind, fingers tracing circles over the flesh where new life grew. He put all his other feelings aside. They were the ones who mattered the most to him. His brother, their babies, and his wife.

Arien rolled over, sleepy hazel eyes gazing up at him. “Where’ve you been?”

“Helpin’ Jake out. That’s all.” Sweeping the hair back from her face, Kellan held his lips to her forehead. He didn’t want to tell her yet. And anyway, she was safe. “Go on back to sleep.”

“You’re keeping something from me, aren’t you?”

He nodded. “I can’t talk about it right now, okay?”


“I just need to hold you.”

Arien kissed his chest, her arms squeezing around his middle.

Closing his eyes, Kellan tickled his fingers along her spine.


He’d tell them all about it tomorrow. How Victor studied every photo taken at that wedding. How he combed through his mother’s medical records searching for some kind of clue.
