Page 77 of The Third Son

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Looking at him, Tanner shrugged, and they followed the pair inside.

Kellan took off his hat as he stepped through the door. There wasn’t much to it. He and Arien filled out some paperwork, and holding her hand, they waited for their names to be called. She gnawed on her lip. He squeezed her knee. “You’re okay, baby cakes. Breathe.”

Glancing up at him with those big green eyes, she nodded, swiping on some gloss.

“Brooks and Brogan?”

“Kellan Brooks, do you take this woman…”

He gazed down at her. The flowers she clutched were shaking. “I do.”

“Arien Brogan, do you take this man…”

She looked into his eyes, but he saw her reaching behind her to grab his brother’s hand. “I do.”

No, dammit. This was his time. He was going to share her with Tanner for the rest of their lives. All Kellan wanted was this one fucking moment.

Tanner let her hand go.

Kellan slid the slender diamond band on her finger.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations, you may kiss your bride.”

Mine. Only mine.

He memorized how beautiful she looked right then. He never wanted to forget. Then he kissed his wife.

They took her away from them all too soon.

Each taking a turn, he and Tanner kissed her goodbye at the door of the room she’d never sleep in again, and watched her disappear down the stairs. Embracing them, their grandmother chuckled. “Don’t look so sad, it isn’t forever. You’ll see her again in an hour.”

Then she, too, was gone.

Tanner followed Kellan into his room, taking a seat beside him on the bed. “I s’pose we should get ready too.”

“Yeah. Just gotta change my clothes. That’ll take all of two minutes.”

“Same.” He chuckled. “You nervous?”

“Nah.” Kellan slid his brother a look. “Okay, maybe a little. Makin’ small talk with all them people. You know I hate that.”

“I know.”

“You nervous?”

“Kinda.” Tanner laid back on the mattress, clasping his hands behind his head. “More so for Arien, I think. She don’t know and…her mama ain’t here…it’s got to be weighing heavy on her heart.”

“I know. Dad’s too.”

“Yeah.” Quiet for a moment, Tanner swallowed. Kellan watched the muscle slide up and down his throat. “Gonna miss this room?”

It didn’t sound like a question.

“Why would I? We’re gettin’ a bigger and better one at the end of the hall.”

A whole darn suite.

“Just seems strange when we come back these ones’ll be empty.”

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