Page 67 of The Third Son

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Same as mine. Same as Tanner’s.

It took a moment for the finality of his words to sink in. Then with her face crumpling, Arien scrunched her eyes closed, and cried for her mother.

At least she’d had one. He’d never known his. Kellan almost envied her grief. It’s an inevitable part of loving someone. Because he couldn’t grieve for the woman he never knew.

Sobs wracking her body, her tears soaked through to his skin.

This woman, he loved.

Wetness, unusual for him, trickled down his face.

Kellan stood, Arien in his arms, and he carried her home.

Pacing back and forth along the porch, Tanner spotted them. He sprinted across the yard. Embracing Arien from behind, he sandwiched her between them and kissed her tear-stained cheek.

Cars and trucks lined the long driveway. “Who’s here?”

“Everyone, it seems like.”

“Where’s my mom?” Arien hiccupped against his chest. “I need to see her.”

“You can’t right now, baby.” Tanner smoothed her hair. Their eyes meeting, his brother subtly shook his head. “Let’s get you upstairs.”

Kellan dressed her in one of his T-shirts and laid her on his bed.

Emily and Grams came into the room, Jake and his father behind them. He sat on the mattress next to Arien, combing the hair back from her eyes. “I’m going to give you something to help you get some sleep.”

“But I don’t want to sleep.”

“He’s a doctor, dear.” Wringing her hands, Grams nodded. “You need to rest.”

“I need my mom.”

Gantry pulled a syringe from his pocket.


He kissed her brow. “Shh…I’m right here. We’re going to take care of you, baby.”

And, her eyelids fluttering closed, she fell asleep.

They all trailed Gantry down the stairs to Kim rocking Benjamin in the kitchen. “How is she?”

“Resting now.” Grams took the baby from her.

Bending over the island, Kellan stared at the granite. “Where’s Dad?”

“In the guest bedroom.” Gantry clasped his shoulder. “I had to sedate him. He was…utterly distraught…inconsolable.”

“What the fuck happened?”

“I came home with your father to see the baby.” Her voice cracking, Grams rubbed her cheek against the newborn’s silky hair. “He was crying his head off with the TV on, and Jennifer…” Looking toward the living room, she began sobbing. “…at first we thought she was just sleeping.”

“Sheriff’s been here. Coroner’s comin’.” Gantry lifted up the sheet.

Devoid of color, her face appeared waxen. A small trail of blood congealed at one nostril. But other than that, nothing looked amiss. His stepmother was as beautiful in death as she had been in life. Still, Kellan was relieved Arien hadn’t seen her this way. He hated to think of that image haunting her dreams.

“I’m sorry, son,” Gantry said, covering her. “I can’t…she was healthy, as far as I know.” Shaking his head, he exhaled. “We should know something after the autopsy.”
