Page 59 of The Third Son

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“Then they shouldn’t be fuckin’ where we can see ’em.” Walking away from the shed, Kellan confessed to him, “I like watchin’. Thinkin’ ’bout breedin’ our little sister.” And he let out a groan. “Turns me on like nothin’ else.”

“Believe me, Kel, I get ya. I do.”

He and his brother were of the same mind.

“She’ll be so beautiful with our baby in her belly. I’m gonna fuck her hard—just like that. Milk her pretty titties.”


“Go ahead. You can say it. I’m a sick fucker, ain’t I?”


“If you are, so am I, brother.” Yeah, he was consumed by her, all right. “I think about that all the time.”

Gentler in his approach, tender and sweet, still Tanner’s appetite was as demanding as Kellan’s. His predilections no less deviant. Arien really had no idea what she was in for, but she would, and soon. They’d been preparing for this their entire lives. Sharing everything. Their bodies, their hearts, their souls. With her. Only her.

And in return, he wanted it all.

I think maybe we both are.

While young cattle grazed alongside their mothers, the whole town emerged to celebrate the arrival of warm weather. Every year, on the last weekend in May, for as long as Tanner could remember, they gathered in the square for a community cookout. There’d be dancing and drinking and fireworks, games for the kids. The start of summer was upon them, and with that came graduations, then a host of weddings until they went to market in fall.

Surely, his would be one of them.

The letter that came from Denver didn’t mean nothing.

Tanner hadn’t asked her about it. His brother hadn’t either. Arien tucked it into her backpack when Jennifer gave it to her, and that was that.

Nothing had really changed. She wasn’t acting any different. He imagined, if she’d given serious thought to leaving, she would be.

But no, Arien sat on a blanket with Kellan, Jake, and Emily, their parents, Grams, and Aunt Kim close by. Dad had Jennifer, her belly enormous, on a lawn chair. The baby was due any day now, and no matter what she did, his stepmother was uncomfortable, so she insisted she might as well be miserable eating some good barbecue.

“Got it, bro?”

Billy strategically balanced another plate of food on Tanner’s arm, and he nodded. “Yeah.”

Then carefully, they brought it over to the eager faces waiting for them.

Kissing his cheek, Arien made room for him beside her. It surprised him a little. She usually curbed the affectionate gestures in front of her mother. And respecting her feelings on the matter, they did the same. But Kellan was rubbing his fingers over the back of her hand and she was letting him. Jennifer might as well start getting used to it, he supposed.

Billy and Jake’s parents came by, their father, a mirror image of his sons, albeit older, speaking with Matthew, before hugging his boys and his future daughter. Chuckling, Aunt Kim leaned into Arien’s ear. “When I was thirteen, I thought he was the most beautiful man alive with that hair of his. Still do. I wanted to marry him.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“He was older. Much too old for me. And I didn’t have a sister, nor he a brother, so…” Smiling, she shrugged. “William and Timothy were my absolute loves. Always will be. They gave me Emily and he favored her with his sons.”

“Wait a minute…” Tanner watched her brows knit, looking on, as his aunt’s old crush walked away with a blonde woman on one arm and a man on the other. “…I’m so confused.”

“C’mon now, little sister.” He pinched her butt. “Don’t tell me everyone’s straight as an arrow back in Denver.”

“Old Gantry is bi, girly.” Kellan sniggered. “His wife is straight. Her brother isn’t. He loves them both and they’re all blissfully happy.”

“So they share him?” She wasn’t really asking. “Well, that’s convenient.”

“The earth provides. Nature always finds a way,” Tanner agreed.

“Aunt Kim never stood a chance, did she?”
