Page 58 of The Third Son

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“Hold up, Tanner.”

Speak of the devil.

Hopping the fence, Kellan caught up to him. “I’m starvin’, man.”

“We’re on our own today,” he said, hooking an arm around his brother. “Was just goin’ to rustle up somethin’.”

“Jennifer ain’t back yet?”

“Doubt it. I figure Dad’ll make a day of it, ya know? Take her out to lunch and shit.” Tanner stopped walking. “Hey, did you ever tell him what happened the other night?”

“No.” Pursing his lips, Kellan exhaled. “I’m not so sure anyone was really out there. I think the storm might’ve spooked her.”

“Arien was pretty convinced.”

“I know, but…” He started walking. “…c’mon, there ain’t nobody around here for miles and miles, and there ain’t no one who’s got the balls to come anywhere close to our girl.”


The townsfolk knew Arien had been claimed, whether she realized it or not.

“I s’pose you’re right.”

“No use worryin’ Dad and Jennifer over nothin’,” Kellan assured him. “Besides, we took her mind off it real good, now didn’t we?”

Damn right we did.

His dick twitched in his jeans thinking of it.

A small taste of how they’d love her together. Fucking magical. She responded to them so beautifully. He’d been right not to say anything to Kellan. Arien and his brother had grown closer lately. His brother finally seemed to be letting her in, and Tanner knew that didn’t come easily to him. If Kellan learned she was still thinking about leaving, he’d close up again, and they could lose her.

Tanner was hellbent on keeping her here, and he’d resort to any means necessary to do it. So he’d be a fool to get Kellan all worked up over something that was never going to happen.

“You hear that?” His brother came to a sudden stop.


“It’s comin’ from the breedin’ shed.” He pulled his arm in that direction. “You usin’ it?”


Tanner preferred to do things as nature intended them to be. He turned his stallions out in open paddocks, where ready mares waited to be courted, covered, and bred, rather than force them on each other in an enclosed shed. It hadn’t been used in a long time.

“Well now, would you look at that?”

He could see them through the dust-covered window. Jennifer, buck naked, all swollen tits and big pregnant belly, his father’s hand up her cunt.

“Oh, shit.”

Mother and daughter looking so much alike, Tanner couldn’t help but imagine his Arien. Holding her, his fingers on her nipples—God, he loved sucking on them—while his brother worked a fist inside her. His dick more than twitching, he turned away.

“The old man should take it a little bit easier on her, don’t ya think? She’s near ready to pop.”

“He won’t hurt her. Dad knows what he’s doin’.” His brother smirked. “And Jennifer’s lovin’ every bit of it.”

That she was, judging by the sounds of it.

“Must be where you get it from, Kel.” Tanner snickered. “C’mon, we shouldn’t be watchin’.”
