Page 51 of The Third Son

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“They believed in visions, dreams if you will…”

She had dreams of them often. Her brothers sharing a bed with her. Tanner sucking on her nipples. Kellan’s face smothered in her pussy. Matthew kissing her tummy, round with his sons’ first child.

Did she want that? Could she let go of the world outside the gate and live this crazy life? Arien was tempted. So very tempted. They’d woken up something dormant inside her. She wanted more than kisses. More than fingers in her cunt or a tongue on her clit. More than a fat cock in her hand or salty semen in her mouth. What she craved, more than anything she’d ever longed for in her entire fucking life, was to feel Kellan and Tanner inside her.

And she’d never have that unless she married them. Both of them.

On this episode of Brother Husbands…put that on your blog.

Arien giggled to herself.

That’s so fucked up.

Maybe. No, probably. Yeah, Arien had no misgivings with loving them both. It was the consequences of what would, undoubtedly, come with it. She’d have to live a lie outside the gate. Keep her loves—one of them at least—a secret from the world.

It would be so freeing to just let go. To live as she chose, love who she wanted, any way she might desire, without ignorant people condemning her for it.

Fuck the rest of the world, Arien. You can have a beautiful life with your brothers right here.

One big, happy family, right?

If only it were that simple.

“Earth to Arien.” Fingers snapped in front of her face, interrupting her thoughts.

Startled, she glanced up. “Oh, hey, Mom.”

“You must’ve been a world away. I’ve been calling you for a good five minutes now.” She sat beside her on the sofa and brushed the hair from her eyes. “Is everything okay? What’s got you so preoccupied, sweetie?”

“Just thinking.”


“Life,” she said with a slow exhale.

Rubbing her belly, Jennifer smirked. “And by ‘life’ I’m guessing you mean your stepbrothers.”

Arien choked on her own spit.

“I might be pregnant, but I’m not blind, daughter dearest. Think I haven’t noticed how they look at you?” She chuckled. “We saw Tanner with his hands all over you under the blanket. Matt and me pretended to be asleep and had a chuckle watching you two sneak off upstairs.”

“Mom, I…”

“Tanner’s such a good, young man. I only have one question. Do you love him?”

Oh, boy. Here it goes.

“I do.” She couldn’t help but smile. “I love him so much I don’t have words. He’s my best friend.”

“That’s exactly how it should be, baby.” Jennifer hugged her. “I never loved anyone until your stepdaddy. And he loves me well. It’s the most incredible feeling in the world, isn’t it?”


“Have you and Tanner been having sex, Arien? Do we need to have the talk again?”

“No, Mom.” Pursing her lips to the side, she eyeballed her mother’s round belly. “He won’t do that unless we get married.”

Apparently, her mom wasn’t aware of all their rules.
