Page 33 of The Third Son

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“It’s okay to admit it.” Gripping her ass, he pressed her soft belly into his hardening dick. “And I don’t hate you.”

She squeaked, a little puff of air passing between her lips.

“But I don’t trust you, either.”

Kellan backed her up against the wall. His hands on either side of her head, he rubbed the hardness in his jeans into the thin fabric between her thighs. Arien pushed into him, and between the two of them they found the perfect friction. That’s my girl. He groaned. Lips skimming her delicate neck, he captured the lobe of her ear with his teeth and picked up the pace.

God, he wanted to slide his hands up inside that fucking shirt and squeeze her tits, then rip it from her body. Kellan wanted her naked, to kiss her, to push his way inside her, but he didn’t dare. The risk was too great. He could lose favor, and he’d taken this to the limits already. So instead of filling her up with his cum, he spilled inside his pants like a teenaged boy.

“See, I know you haven’t been schooled in our ways, so you don’t know any better. If you had been, you’d understand Brooks men love and worship their women above all else.” Running his nose along her neck, he kissed the skin beneath her ear. “And we expect to receive it in return. Maybe one day, if you can look at me the same way your mom looks at my dad, then I’ll trust you.”

Tanner returned with a stack of boxes. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, bro. You two start decking the halls without me.” Kellan let a panting Arien go. “This jizz in my jeans is fuckin’ sticky. Gotta take a shower.”

He didn’t intend on going back downstairs, but once Kellan was showered and dressed, he found himself there anyway. Standing off to the side, he watched her trim the tree with his brother. Saw how she smiled up at him. Their easy playfulness with each other. And dammit, he wanted that.

Arien held the topper in her hand. Tanner got down, gesturing for her to get on his shoulders. She did, and trying to keep her balance as he stood, she giggled. “I can’t reach.”

“Grab as high as you can and bend it toward you some.”

You know what a ladder’s for, bro?

Tanner wobbled, and laughing, Arien precariously swayed. “Stay still then.”

Tipping the heavy tree forward, she tipped backward with it.

Chrissakes, he couldn’t let her fall.

Rushing up behind them, Kellan pushed her upright before she toppled with the tree. “Whoa, easy there, girly.”

And with both of them supporting her, Arien reached the highest branch. “I got it.”

Yeah, baby, you got it, and we got you.

Just because it was Christmas didn’t mean Tanner got to skip out on his chores. The animals still needed to be fed. Horses tended to. Stalls mucked.

He got out of bed extra early. Didn’t matter he’d stayed up way too late last night watching Arien, Emily, and Grams bake cookies while he and Kellan got drunk on Bailey’s mixed in Jennifer’s hot cocoa. His stepmother excitedly insisted everyone had to open one gift to celebrate Christmas Eve. She got them all matching reindeer pajamas. He didn’t usually wear them, but okay, he’d roll with it to make her happy.

It was well after midnight by the time he fell exhausted into his bed.

Still, Tanner was out the door by four. He had to be finished with chores, showered, and in his reindeer jammies before the sun came up at eight, if he wanted to be the one to wake Arien this morning. While he wouldn’t be able to rouse her in the way he wished he could, he’d be there to see her lashes fluttering. Those pretty hazel-green eyes smiling up at him. Smell her alluring chypre fragrance. Feel the warmth of her silky-soft skin. That was all the motivation he needed.

It was dark outside, the house quiet, when he tiptoed across the hall to Arien’s room at half past seven. Tanner peeked inside her door. Sunday slept in front of the fire that cast a warm and gentle glow upon the bed. He stood there for a moment, watching her sleep, wondering what she was dreaming of. Then carefully, so as not to wake her just yet, he slipped beneath the covers.

Jesus Christ, it was like she could sense he was there. Snuggling into him, her cute, little butt rubbed his front, waking up his reindeer-covered cock. He wrapped his arm around her middle, and burying his nose in her hair, breathed in the delightful scent of cocoa, mandarins, vanilla, and raspberries.

He kissed her crown. How the hell did Kellan do it? Tanner couldn’t touch her without touching her the way his brother had. Not when her hot, pliant body was taunting his. Not when every molecule of his being screamed at him to take her.

Of course, he was being tested, and pure fucking torture that it was, this was only the beginning of it. The favor he and his brother had been granted could be taken away as easily it had been given. So, he would endure, just as every triad in Brookside had before him, and the same as those who would follow. Tanner would play by the rules, because a lifetime with Arien was more than worth it.

“Merry Christmas,” he softly crooned, combing through her hair. “Wake up, pretty girl.”

Unintelligibly mumbling, she rolled over, her face smooshed into his chest. “Not yet. Lemme sleep.”

His fingertips skated up and down her spine. “But it’s Christmas. Don’t you wanna see what Santa left for you?”

Arien answered with a sleepy giggle, “I hate to break it to you, boo, but Santa isn’t real.”

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