Page 32 of The Third Son

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Ever since the bonfire, he’d been mulling things over. Dwelling on what Arien said that night. How she could never be with him and his brother, as if the very thought was abhorrent to her. And wasn’t that a load of horseshit? Yeah, she was all cozied up with Tanner, but Kellan saw her pretty eyes on him. The covetous glances. Too bad she didn’t know, in his eyes, no other girl could ever hold a candle to her. And in his mind, it was her sweet lips he was tasting.

Still, Kellan couldn’t allow himself to get too close just yet, but he was going to try to see things from her perspective. He’d let Tanner do all the sweet-talking. He was good at that flowery shit. And eventually, she’d have to come around. Because come hell or high water, he was going to keep her.

He wasn’t going to leave winning her over to his brother. Kellan needed to make his own way into Arien’s heart. He had to start somewhere, and with Christmas only a couple weeks away, there was no better time than right now.

The young Douglas fir was twice as tall as him. He tugged on a branch, the soft needles slipping through his fingers, pleased with his choice. “What do ya think, Tuesday? This one?”

Wagging her tail, she answered with a bark.

He chuckled, giving her head a pat. “Yeah, I reckon so.”

Kellan cut down the tree. Securing it to the pull-behind, he only hoped Arien took the gesture for what it was. His humble peace offering.

Tanner and Dad helped him get the tree inside the house. Wearing the giddiest smile he’d probably ever seen, Jennifer came out of the kitchen, her hands clasped beneath her chin. “Oh, wow…Arien, honey, get down here.”

He watched as she slowly descended the stairs, hair in a messy pile on top of her head, loose silken strands framing her gorgeous face. Dressed in a pair of black leggings that hugged her delicious curves and a cropped white UC sweatshirt, Kellan glimpsed the bare skin he was dying to get his hands on.

“It’s huge,” Arien squealed, seeing them wrestling the tree into the living room. “Are you sure it’s gonna fit?”

Having heard that before a time or two, he couldn’t help but snigger. Don’t you worry none, baby cakes. I’ll fit just fine.

“It’ll be perfect right there next to the fireplace.” Her mother pointed toward it with a gleeful nod, assuring her daughter.

“Okay, if you say so.”

“I say so.”

It took all three men to hoist the tree into its stand. Taking a step back to admire it, Dad pulled Jennifer close to his side. Kellan and his brother gathered Arien to stand between them, each wrapping an arm around her waist. It felt so right, and so good, to have his fingertips on her warm, soft skin. She was meant to be theirs, goddammit. This is where she belonged.

“Our first Christmas,” Jennifer spoke on a sigh. “It’s going to be the best one ever.”

“Until next year.” Rubbing her little baby bump, Matthew lowered his lips to her ear. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” And she kissed him. “Shall we leave the kids to decorate the tree?”

“I think we should,” he replied, nibbling on her lip. He turned to Kellan and winked. “Keep an eye on the roast, will you?”

The three of them stood there, watching their parents hurry up the stairs and disappear into their wing of the house.

“Jeez, well that was subtle,” Arien scoffed.

“Yeah, well, Brooks men sure ain’t known for it.” Tanner chuckled, kissing her temple. “I love seeing them happy together. Be right back. I’m gonna go get the Christmas stuff, okay?”

“Yeah, okay.”

Still holding onto her, Kellan squeezed his fingers into her side. She glared up at him. “You can let go of me now.”

“What if I don’t want to?” Pulling her in front of him, he held her close. “What if I like it?”

Arien turned her head away. “You don’t.”

“Oh, but I do.”

“You hate me. I know it. Everyone else knows it, too.” She pushed against his chest with her little fists, not that it got her anywhere. “Maybe Cassie believes all your bullshit, but you’re wasting your breath on me.”

Kellan tipped his head to the side with a smirk. “You’re jealous.”

“Don’t flatter yourself.”

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