Page 69 of Maelstrom

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Not that he intended to wait for Katelyn to get on the Pill or whatever to fuck. He filled an entire drawer with condoms and he’d use every last one of them before this weekend was over. His ready dick twitched.

It was barely dawn. There was time before they were supposed to be next door for breakfast and to go pick out a Christmas tree with Chloe, Jesse, Taylor, and baby Chandan. Time to show his sweet girl why sleeping in was overrated.

Kissing her shoulder, he nudged her from behind as his fingers reached inside her tiny tank to grasp her nipples. Her eyelids flew open as she pressed her lush ass into his hard dick and a sweet sound escaped her lips.

“Good morning, sweet girl,” he whispered as he kissed along her collarbone to the skin at the curve of her neck.

Brendan sucked on the flesh there, nipping at it with his teeth. Tugging on her nipples until she squirmed. Katelyn held onto his forearms for leverage, rubbing her ass up and down on him, seeking friction.

Bad girl.

He was not about to come in his boxers like some pubescent boy. Brendan turned, so he hovered over her, and he took her mouth. He took it hard. Katelyn held his face in her hands. He was fucking starving for her. She made him insane.

“I want you naked.”

He pulled the tiny tank top over her head. Brendan didn’t look to see where it landed. His gaze was fixed on those perfect tits, her hard swollen nipples. He took off her panties and brought them to his face, breathing in her delicious scent, hungrier than he’d ever been. She looked a bit startled, her eyes wide and her lips parted, at seeing his nose in her underwear.

He smirked.

“Get used to it, baby. I love how you smell…” He pushed a finger deep inside her and pulled it back out. Coated in her wet sweetness, he sucked it into his mouth. “…and I love how you taste even more.”

To prove the sincerity of his words, he spread her thighs wide and slowly dragged his tongue through her slit up to her clit, clamping it between his teeth. Then he sucked. He sucked until her thighs were shaking and she pulled his hair while she screamed.

His dick throbbed in his boxers, twitching to break free of the knit cotton. Brendan could feel precum leaking onto his skin, dampening the fabric. He removed them and with one knee on the mattress he reached for her nipple. Katelyn reached for his cock.

Warm, slim fingers circled his shaft and squeezed. Two knees on the mattress. She bit her lip and a wet tongue peeked out from between them, sliding across the bottom one. One hand in her hair. She kissed the head and licked the precum from her lips.

“Suck me, beautiful.”

Those eyes that he loved looked up at him as Katelyn opened wide and tentatively took him in her mouth. Her tongue toyed with the barbell. Exploring his flesh. Brendan could tell she was a novice. Hell, maybe she’d never had a dick in her mouth before. And fuck if that thought didn’t please him.

His fingers razed through her hair, holding her head to his dick. It felt like fucking heaven in her mouth. He eased his hips forward, sliding himself inside just a bit farther. Just enough to make her gag a little, but not enough to scare her off him.

She still gazed up at him. Pretty eyes glassy. Lips stretched thin. Did she have any idea how beautiful she looked to him like that? Katelyn sucked on his head like a straw in a milkshake. Brendan wanted nothing more than to fuck her mouth at that moment. Come down her throat. He knew his sweet girl wasn’t ready for that. Not yet.

“What a fucking good girl you are,” he praised and gently eased her from his dick. “Spit on it.”


“You heard me, baby.” He traced her lips with his thumb. “Spit on my dick.”

Katelyn did as he asked and he slid her bottom to the edge of the bed. Brendan leaned over her, his wet cock resting between her breasts. He kissed her mouth.

“Push your tits together for me.”

She cushioned him with her supple flesh.

“Yeah, stay just like that.”

A slow, gentle thrust.

“So fucking beautiful.”

And another.

And another.

And another.
