Page 68 of Maelstrom

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“It’s perfect, sweetheart.”

“Are you sure?”

“The thermometer says it is.” Brendan playfully swatted Katelyn on her behind and bent over to pull the bird from the oven. “I’m sure.”

Not to mention it was the fourth turkey they’d roasted since yesterday. How many people did she think they were feeding anyway? “You do know there’s only sixteen of us, right?”

“Twenty-six and two babies. So I rounded it up to thirty.”

“How do you figure?” He shook his head and grinned.

She smirked. “You boys count as two—that’s twenty right there.”

They were both laughing. Brendan pulled her to his chest and gazed into her enchanting eyes, the eyes he could see his future in. He bent his head to kiss her and the doorbell rang.

“That has to be Kelly,” he said and swiftly kissed her on the lips. “Anyone else would have just come on in.”

Brendan opened the door to Kelly holding four apple pies. Kodiak was coming up the porch steps with Kyan and Linnea directly behind him. House by house, everyone who lived on Park Place—his family—gathered in his living room. Dillon was the last to arrive. If Katelyn was apprehensive or nervous at all, you’d never know it. She was the perfect hostess, right at home with that beautiful smile for everyone.

She was perfect.

She was home.

And just the thought of that made him smile.

“So, did the two of you meet at Beanie’s?” Dillon asked in between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes during dinner.

Katelyn watched him with her lips pressed together, containing a giggle, like she was waiting for him to toss a spoonful into the air. Brendan winked at her.

“Um, no. We met before the coffee bar opened. I bumped into him in the park,” she supplied.

Brendan looked at his cousin and smirked. “During Venery’s concert.”

“Midsummer’s Eve.” Dillon dropped his spoon to his plate and laughed. He took on an Irish brogue. “And what did I tell ye, cousin?”

“Watch out for the faeries.” He chuckled, rolling his eyes.

Katelyn smiled in spite of her confusion. “Faeries? Huh?”

Jesse and Kyan exchanged a knowing glance. They started chuckling too.

“See? It was the fair folk that put you in each other’s path.” Dillon regaled Katelyn with the Celtic folklore of midsummer. “And there’s no avoiding your destiny.”

Brendan still didn’t believe such things.

But whatever brought them together on that path in the park, whether it was the faeries, serendipity, or divine intervention, he was thankful for it.

So fucking thankful.

He didn’t want to move, not even to stretch.

Light was just beginning to seep inside the dark bedroom. Brendan couldn’t remember the last time he slept so soundly as he did with Katelyn wrapped in his arms, her bottom tucked up against him. He opened his eyes. She was still asleep, unaware of his hard dick wedged between her cheeks. All he could think of was slipping those itty-bitty panties to the side and sliding home. Fucking her until she was raw and begged him to stop.

He knew in his gut she wouldn’t ever want to stop. Once they started, Katelyn would be a force to be reckoned with. Brendan could see the hunger in her, an appetite for carnal pleasure that he sensed matched his own. It was about time they talked about practical things like condoms and birth control. They could discuss limits and safe words and all that other shit later, when she was ready to discover her sexual self and try different things with him. For now, though, he needed to get her on the Pill. Something. Because he needed his dick inside her. Bare.

And that would be another first for him.

He’d never felt the inside of a tight, hot, wet pussy with his bare dick.
